发布时间:2018-03-09 17:08
本文选题:海南 切入点:橡胶树 出处:《海南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:海南橡胶种植面积和干胶产量均占全国50%左右。近年来相关报道显示海南胶园土壤肥力逐年下降,严重制约了橡胶增产。海南属热带季风性气候,降雨量大且集中,砖红壤风化作用极为强烈,阳离子交换量和盐基饱和度低,渗透性强,致使养分淋失作用强,肥料利用率低,肥料损失严重。另外,海南降雨量时间和空间差异大,通常春旱,导致橡胶树生长旺季肥、水不同步。 本研究通过利用混合造粒和化学聚合工艺将肥料与保水材料复合到一起,研制新型保水缓释肥料,并对其相关性能及在砖红壤上的模拟施用效果进行测试。旨在为研制适宜在橡胶生产上推广应用的保水缓释肥料提供参考,以期通过发挥水肥的协同效应,提高砖红壤地区肥料利用率,改善海南橡胶生产中水肥不同步的状况。初步结果如下: 1.以丙烯酸、尿素等为原料通过化学聚合反应制备的新型保水缓释氮肥(WSRNF)有良好的吸水、保水能力和重复吸水性。在自来水中的吸水倍率为167.17g·g-1,重复吸水倍率为137.52g·g-1,在水土比1:5、1:10和1:20的砖红壤浸提液中分别能达到其在自来水中吸水倍率的62.60%、73.54%和86.97%。且具有较快的吸液速度,在室温、40℃、60℃的条件下都具有良好的保水性能。通过FTIR分析阐明了WSRNF吸水保水和养分缓释效应的化学机制。TG-DTA分析证实了WSRNF充分吸水溶胀后样品中所含平衡含水量为99.43%,其中自由水和可冻结束缚水含量占98.47%,而结合水含量仅占0.96%。自由水和可冻结束缚水可供植物生长利用。在砖红壤中加入少量WSRNF的便能显著提升砖红壤最大持水率,降低砖红壤水分蒸发率,提高水分利用率。随着WSRNF施用量的增加,砖红壤的最大持水率逐渐增大。WSRNF施用量分别为0、0.5%、1%和2%时,砖红壤的最大持水率分别为39.74%、63.46%、70.63%和79.42%。WSRNF在砖红壤中有良好的缓释性能,砖红壤培养土柱淋溶过程中氮素累积释放量随淋溶次数的增加逐渐增加,培养28d淋溶7次后氮素累积释放率为94.35%。 2.通过添加三种不同保水材料制备的新型保水缓释复混肥料A、B、C在砖红壤中均具有良好的养分缓释效果。三者在砖红壤中的养分缓释效果C最优,B次之,A略差。所制备的三种新型保水缓释复混肥料不仅在砖红壤中有良好的缓释效果,而且还可以有效提高砖红壤的持水和保水能力。三种保水缓释肥料对砖红壤最大持水率的提升和对砖红壤水分蒸发抑制效果均随着它们施用量的增加而增强,且C的效果最佳,B次之,A略差。 模拟试验结果表明,本试验研制的橡胶树新型保水缓释肥料具有良好的保水缓释效果,但实际应用效果还须通过大田试验进行验证。
[Abstract]:Hainan rubber planting area and dry rubber yield account for about 50% in the whole country. In recent years, the soil fertility of Hainan rubber garden has declined year by year, which has seriously restricted the increase of rubber production. Hainan is a tropical monsoon climate with heavy rainfall and concentrated rainfall. The weathering of latosol is extremely strong, the cation exchange capacity and base saturation are low, the permeability is strong, the nutrient leaching is strong, the fertilizer utilization ratio is low, and the fertilizer loss is serious. Lead to rubber tree growth season fertilizer, water is not synchronized. In this study, a new type of water-retaining and slow-release fertilizer was developed by using mixed granulation and chemical polymerization process to compound fertilizer with water-retaining material. The related properties and simulated application effect on latosol were tested in order to provide a reference for the development of water-preserving slow-release fertilizer suitable for rubber production, so as to give full play to the synergistic effect of water and fertilizer. The results are as follows: (1) increasing fertilizer utilization rate in latosol area and improving the condition of water and fertilizer in Hainan rubber production are as follows:. 1. A new type of water-preserving slow-release nitrogen fertilizer, WSRNFS, which was prepared by chemical polymerization with acrylic acid and urea as raw materials, has good water absorption. The absorbency and repeated water absorption in tap water are 167.17g 路g-1and 137.52g 路g-1.The ratio of water and soil to water is 1: 5: 1: 10 and 1:20, which can reach 62.6073.54% and 86.97% of the absorbency in tap water, respectively. All of them have good water retention properties at room temperature of 40 鈩,