本文选题:生物质炭 切入点:滨海盐渍土 出处:《浙江农林大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Coastal saline soil is an important land resource in coastal areas because of its wide distribution and large area.In this study, the changes of soil pH, conductivity and sodium ions in leaching solution before and after soil leaching were analyzed through the indoor soil-column leaching experiment with different modifiers, and the best modifier combinations were selected.It provides a reference for rapid desalination of newly reclaimed muddy coastal saline soil.The main conclusions are as follows: (1) through the analysis of heavy metal content of the modifier, the results show that the heavy metal content of the modifier used in this experiment is lower than that of the relevant national standard.The results showed that the content of sodium ion in the leaching solution was significantly higher than that in the control solution, and the content of sodium ion in the leachate was significantly higher than that in the control, and the content of sodium ion in the leachate was significantly higher than that in the control, and the content of sodium ion in the leaching solution was higher than that in the control.Addition of 0.5% desulphurization gypsum and 1.5% biomass carbon mixture treatment had the highest sodium content in 60 days, and the total amount of sodium removal was 1.3 times of that of the control group.) the comparison and analysis of soil pH and electrical conductivity before and after leaching test showed that the content of sodium ion was the highest in the treatment group.Different modifiers can significantly reduce the pH value and electrical conductivity of the soil, indicating that the addition of the modifier can achieve the purpose of improving the salinized soil, among which the desulfurization gypsum plus biomass carbon treatment is the most effective.To sum up, the process of desalination of muddy coastal saline soil can be accelerated by using the modifier of desulphurization gypsum and biomass carbon, and the reasonable improvement and utilization of coastal saline soil resources can be achieved.
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