本文选题:旱作农田 切入点:耕作方式 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In Inner Mongolia, drought, low level of regional sandy chestnut soil fertility, with less tillage based farming methods, can protect water, fertilizer and reduce carbon emissions. This paper takes Inner Mongolia Yinshan Mountain in Wuchuan County as the study area, planting local food crops - oat (2013), rape (2014. And with conventional tillage (CT) as the control of Asamatsu (QS), shallowrotation (QX), Fukamatsu (SS) and bare subsoiling (LSS) 4 kinds of Tillage on farmland, soil organic carbon and soil physical properties, the influencing factors of biological traits and yield, elucidates the role of law 4 between the relationship with each other. The results are as follows: the research for two consecutive years (1) in different tillage can improve soil physical properties. In 2013, QS and QX compared with CT significantly decreased soil bulk density, 2014 3 tillage treatments increased 0.25mm soil aggregate content, different tillage methods Within two years of different degree of increase the soil moisture, especially a greater impact on the 0-50cm depth of pod stage, 4 kinds of tillage makes soil moisture respectively compared with the average CT increased by 42.92%, 15.59%, 39.88% and 44.92%, after crop harvest soil moisture is better than the performance of CT, 2014 soil moisture content is as follows: SSQSQXLSSCT. (2) tillage can significantly increase soil organic carbon content, is conducive to soil carbon sequestration.4 farming methods for two consecutive years increased the total soil organic carbon content, total organic carbon content of soil in 2014 increased by 78.82%-89.77%, and soil carbon density, bulk density, significantly positive correlation with the urease and invertase activity. Significantly improve the flowering and pod period 30-50cm soil carbon density and HFOC, 4, average tillage higher than that of CT 1.80-2.57 times and 1.72-2.36 times; QS, Q X, SS and LSS significantly increased the content of soil active organic carbon: flowering period 0-10cm and siliquing stage 30-50cm depth, significantly increased soil easily oxidized organic carbon content, soil microbial biomass carbon and soil light fraction organic carbon, and 3 kinds of active organic carbon showed significant positive correlation, the correlation coefficient is R=0.634 R=0.777, and R=0.731. (3) of different tillage improved soil biological traits. Different tillage increased soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen content in two years, of which SS is increased, especially in 2014 were more than that of CT 15.81%-60.69% and 25.63%-58.05%, and between soil microbial biomass significantly correlated with different cultivation way; significantly increased soil catalase, urease and alkaline phosphatase activity, and between urease and invertase and alkaline phosphatase was significantly positive correlation; increase to a certain extent The soil invertase activity was positively correlated with catalase and alkaline phosphatase; different tillage with age advancing reduced soil respiration rate, especially in 2014 SS compared with CT significantly reduced the soil respiration rate and soil temperature, and urease, and light fraction organic carbon, there are significant positive correlation between organic carbon and recombination the microbial biomass nitrogen, and soil invertase, alkaline phosphatase, total organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon showed a significant positive correlation. (4) different tillage crop yield was increased in.2013 under different tillage oat grain yield significantly increased compared with CT in 2014, only SS significantly increased the yield of rape increased the 75.38% is that in CT, correlation analysis and soil organic carbon fractions and microbial biomass, grain yield and soil total organic carbon, readily oxidizable organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon content showed A positive correlation with soil light fraction organic carbon, was positively related to the reorganization of organic carbon and microbial biomass nitrogen. In conclusion, different tillage methods, SS improves some physical properties of soil, improve the soil organic carbon content, increased the content of soil microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity increased, decreased the soil respiration rate, significantly increased the grain yield of crop, is north of Yinshan Mountain dry farming area is suitable for farming.
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