本文选题:土壤 + 泥沙 ; 参考:《农业工程学报》2017年03期
[Abstract]:Understanding the sediment characteristics of silt dam is the foundation and premise of the study of sediment transport process and law.Based on the analysis of the variation of sediment cycle thickness and particle size composition in silt dam profiles of small watershed in loess hilly region, the characteristics of sediment redistribution during secondary flood deposition of silt dams are studied in this paper.The results show that the secondary flood sediment deposition process in the dam is non-uniform, and the thickness of each sedimentary cycle is different in the longitudinal section and the transverse section, and the variation of the early sediment thickness is larger than that of the later period.The average content of clay, silt and sand is 4.66% and 36.56% respectively.In the process of sediment deposition, the average content of clay, silt and sand in each cyclic layer changed little, but the soil particle size composition was sorted to a certain extent in different positions of the dam.From the end of the dam to the front of the dam, the coarsening degree of soil texture decreased significantly, and the soil particle size composition showed a trend of gradual refinement.
【作者单位】: 黄河水利科学研究院水利部黄土高原水土流失过程与控制重点实验室;黄河水利委员会绥德水土保持科学试验站;
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