本文选题:农田生态系统 + 土壤肥力 ; 参考:《中国生态农业学报》2016年08期
【摘要】:了解农田养分输入、输出和平衡状况,以及土壤肥力现状与变化特征,对实现养分资源优化管理、地力的持续提升、肥料利用率提高和农业可持续发展具有重要意义。基于1985年、2000年和2014年河北省南皮县国民经济统计资料,分析了从1985年到2014年县域农田生态系统养分循环与平衡状况;利用1981年第2次土壤普查和2015年实测南皮县域土壤耕层养分含量数据,探讨了耕层土壤养分变化及空间分布格局特征。结果表明,1985—2014年南皮县农田养分输入输出均呈持续上升趋势,NPK养分输入由10 701 t增加至23 386 t,年递增率2.33%;NPK养分来源结构略有不同,NP来源以化肥为主,其次是人畜粪尿和作物秸秆有机肥源;而K素来源主要是有机肥源。农田养分输出以作物吸收为主,占养分总输出的80%以上,NPK总输出由1985年的9 093 t增加到2014年的18 846 t,年均增速2.17%。从养分表观平衡的角度看,从1985年到2014年NP始终有大量盈余,P素盈余大于N素,N和P表观平衡率分别为16.8%~34.2%和26.9%~65.5%;若考虑有机氮的有效性问题,1985—2000—2014年3个时段有效氮盈亏率依次为18.1%、6.5%和-7.8%,有效氮平衡由盈余转向亏缺;而K素经历了由赤字逐渐向盈余的转变过程,由1985年的-33.5%赤字发展至2014年的33.6%盈余。受农田养分平衡状况的影响,南皮县土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷发生了显著变化,1981—2015年有机质由8.62 g·kg~(-1)增至14.0 g·kg~(-1),增幅62.4%;全氮由0.542 g·kg~(-1)增至0.908 g·kg~(-1),增幅67.5%;有效磷由2.0 mg·kg~(-1)增加到20.8 mg·kg~(-1),增加了9.4倍。而碱解氮和有效钾变化不明显,分别由70.5 mg·kg~(-1)和141 mg·kg~(-1)增加到71.8 mg·kg~(-1)和147 mg·kg~(-1),相对增幅仅为1.8%和4.2%。建议今后南皮县在农业生产中大力推广科学施肥技术,重视有机肥和化肥配施,推广秸秆还田,通过改进施肥方法提高肥料利用效率;养分管理中应提倡"稳氮、控磷、补钾"的施肥对策,避免过多的盈余养分进入环境。
[Abstract]:It is of great significance to understand the status of input, output and balance of farmland nutrients, as well as the present situation and change characteristics of soil fertility, in order to realize the optimal management of nutrient resources, the continuous improvement of soil fertility, the improvement of fertilizer utilization efficiency and the sustainable development of agriculture. Based on the statistical data of the national economy in Nanpi County, Hebei Province in 1985, 2000 and 2014, the nutrient cycling and balance of farmland ecosystem in the county from 1985 to 2014 were analyzed. Based on the data of nutrient content in the topsoil of Nanpi County in 2015 and the second General Survey of soil in 1981, the change of soil nutrient and the spatial distribution pattern of the topsoil were discussed. The results showed that the nutrient input and output of farmland increased from 10 701 t to 23 386 t in Nanpi County from 1985 to 2014, and the nutrient source structure of NPK in Nanpi County was slightly different from that of chemical fertilizer. The second is manure and urine and the organic fertilizer source of crop straw, while K is mainly organic fertilizer source. More than 80% of total nutrient output increased from 9 093 t in 1985 to 18 846 t in 2014, with an average annual growth rate of 2. 17%. From the perspective of apparent nutrient balance, From 1985 to 2014, NP always had a large surplus and P surplus was higher than N + N and P apparent equilibrium rates were 16.834% and 26. 9%, respectively. If the effectiveness of organic nitrogen is considered, the ratio of effective nitrogen profit and loss in three periods from 1985 to 2014 is 18.1- 6.5% and -7.8%, respectively. The balance of available nitrogen changed from surplus to deficit; K has gone through a transition from deficit to surplus, from -33.5 percent in 1985 to 33.6 percent in 2014. Affected by the nutrient balance of farmland, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, From 1981 to 2015, the organic matter increased from 8.62 g / kg ~ (-1) to 14.0 g / kg ~ (-1), an increase of 62.4%; the total nitrogen content increased from 0.542 g / kg ~ (-1) to 0.908 g / kg ~ (-1), an increase of 67.5%, respectively; and the amount of available phosphorus increased from 2.0 mg / kg ~ (-1) to 20.8 mg / kg ~ (-1) ~ (-1), an increase of 9.4 times. However, there was no significant change in alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and available potassium, from 70.5 mg / kg ~ (-1) and 141 mg / kg ~ (-1) to 71.8 mg / kg ~ (-1) and 147 mg / kg ~ (-1) ~ (-1) respectively, the relative increase was only 1.8% and 4.2%, respectively. It is suggested that scientific fertilization techniques should be popularized in agricultural production in Nanpi County in the future, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer should be applied in combination, straw should be returned to the field, fertilizer utilization efficiency should be improved by improving fertilization methods, and nitrogen stabilization and phosphorus control should be advocated in nutrient management. Potassium supplementation "fertilization strategy to avoid excessive surplus nutrients into the environment."
【作者单位】: 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心;河北省农业厅土壤肥料总站;河北省南皮县农业局;
【基金】:国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAD05B00) 国家重点研发计划专项(2016YFD0300800,2016YFD0200307) 2016年河北省渤海粮仓科技示范工程项目资助~~
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