发布时间:2018-04-25 14:36
本文选题:毕节高原山地 + 小气候 ; 参考:《江苏农业科学》2017年05期
【摘要】:通过典型样地观测,对贵州省毕节高原山地5种石漠化等级样地的小气候进行常规监测,对比分析其气温、光照度、相对湿度和5、10、15、20 cm处土壤温度的分布状况和日变化动态。结果表明,不同等级石漠化地区由于植被数量和组成结构存在差异,其样地小气候也表现出不同的特征。夏季,随着石漠化等级的提高,石漠化样地内的光照度与气温逐渐降低,降幅趋缓,峰值出现时间也滞后;冬季,由于人为干扰,光照度变幅表现为ST(强度)SL(轻度)M(中度)L(潜在)N(无),气温变幅表现为STSLLMN;相对湿度变幅在夏季表现出与石漠化等级相吻合的现象,冬天则表现为MSTLNSL。与其他研究不同,本研究中出现了下层土壤温度高于上层土壤的独特现象。各样地光照度、气温和土壤温度之间呈正相关,三者均与空气相对湿度呈负相关。总体来说,无石漠化、潜在石漠化样地环境趋于凉湿化,小气候条件最佳;而中度、强度石漠化样地环境趋于干热化,小气候条件较差,有待于经历较长时间的演替改善。
[Abstract]:The microclimate of five rocky desertification grade plots in Bijie Plateau of Guizhou Province was monitored by means of typical soil samples. The distribution and diurnal variation of temperature, light intensity, relative humidity and soil temperature at 1520 cm were compared and analyzed. The results show that the microclimate of different grade rocky desertification areas shows different characteristics due to the difference of vegetation quantity and composition structure. In summer, with the increase of rocky desertification grade, the light intensity and temperature in rocky desertification land gradually decrease, the decline is slow, and the time of peak value also lags; in winter, due to human disturbance, the light intensity and temperature decrease gradually, and the peak value also lags behind. The variation amplitude of light intensity is shown as STSLLMN (light intensity SLL), while the amplitude of relative humidity is consistent with the grade of rocky desertification in summer and MSTLNSLS in winter. Different from other studies, there is a unique phenomenon that the lower soil temperature is higher than that of the upper soil. There was a positive correlation between light intensity, temperature and soil temperature, and there was a negative correlation between light intensity and air relative humidity. In general, without rocky desertification, the environment of the potential rocky desertification land tends to cool and wet, and the microclimate condition is the best, while the intensity rocky desertification sample land environment tends to dry and heat, and the microclimate condition is poor, which needs to be improved for a long time.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学中国南方喀斯特研究院/贵州省喀斯特山地生态环境国家重点实验室培育基地;
【基金】:国家“十二五”科技支撑计划重大课题(编号:2011BAC09B01) 贵州省科技计划重大专项(编号:[2004]6007号)
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