本文选题:土壤线虫 + 施肥 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the increasing population of our country and the increasing demand for grain, improving soil fertility and controlling weeds is an important way to increase crop yield. Phosphate fertilizer is one of the essential elements of crop growth. In recent years, the amount of phosphate fertilizer applied in farmland has increased rapidly. Therefore, the plant diversity caused by phosphate fertilizer and weed removal has decreased. Soil nematode, one of the most important species of invertebrates in soil and species diversity, is an important part of the soil community, and the nematode fauna can provide a unique assessment of biological processes. Indicator organisms. This study uses a potted plant simulation experiment, a dual factor treatment of plant fertilizer and non-agricultural plant diversity. As the first factor, phosphate fertilizer is divided into no phosphate fertilizer (P-) and phosphate fertilizer (P+), each fertilization treatment is set up 36 repetitions; non agricultural plant diversity is divided into 4 parts, including no non - non - non - agricultural plant (NW), and 1 kinds of non - agricultural plants. 2 nonagricultural plants (OW), 2 nonagricultural plants (TW) and 4 non-agricultural plants (FW) were treated. The soil nematode was extracted by Behrman wet leakage method and identified in the booting stage of winter wheat. The influence and mechanism of agro plant diversity on the composition of soil nematode community at the booting stage of winter wheat, and clarified the trend of soil nematode community structure under the addition of phosphorus and non agro plant diversity. The following main results were as follows: 1, the community composition: 28592 nematodes, 2 classes, 7 orders, 16 families and 30 genera were isolated and identified in the booting stage of winter wheat. 13417 heads, 11 genera, 1680 heads and 2 genera of nematode, 11128, 10, 2364, 7 genus of phytophagous nematodes, the dominant group of 7 genera, the dominant group of small genus (18%), the short body (17%) and the dwarf (10%). The P+ value is greater than the P-, and the TW non-agricultural plants and the P- plant NW non-agricultural plants in P+. The highest.P added to the nematode abundance (F=12.513, P=0.001) increased significantly, and the total abundance (F=14.837, P=0.000) increased significantly. In the P+ contrast P- treatment, the increase was 0.574 and the abundance was 2.167; the total abundance (F=0.273, P=0.845) and the total abundance (F=2.346, P=0.081) of the non-agricultural diversity soil nematodes were not present. The total abundance (F=0.210, P=0.889) and total abundance (F=1.325, P=0.274) of the significant.P addition and non agricultural intercourse nematode diversity (F=1.325, P=0.274) did not show significant.2. The ecological parameters: the ecological index heterozygosity of the nematode, the Shannon diversity index, the evenness index, the richness index, and the value of the maturity index of free living nematode all follow the non The increase of agricultural plant diversity increased, and when NW and FW non-agricultural plants were planted, the Shannon diversity index and the evenness index showed significant difference in.P- treatment, the nematode ecological index heterozygosity, the Shannon diversity index, the richness index, the free living nematode maturity index, compared with the other 3 non-agricultural plant diversity. The value of TW non-agricultural plants was the highest and the richness index showed significant differences. Two factor variance analysis showed that the number of nematodes, the abundance of nematode eating nematodes, the abundance of herbivorous nematodes, and the Ba1, Fu2, Pp5, and OP5 in the functional group index were significant in the fertilization treatment, but the diversity intercourse variance analysis between P+ and non-agricultural plants was analyzed. The results showed that the mutual enrichment index and structure index of P+ treatment and non agricultural intercourse varied between 50-100 and B quadrants, indicating that the nutrient components in the soil were higher and were less disturbed by the outside world, indicating that the food network was in a stable and mature stage of.3 and soil physicochemical. The properties of soil nematode were related to soil nematode. The results of regression analysis showed that soil organic carbon and total R2=0.293 (P0.001), R2=0.259 (P0.001), R2=0.272, P0.001, R2=0.259, P0.001 (R2=0.134, P0.001) were both significant positive correlation, but with free living nematodes, but with free living nematodes. The R2=0.159 (P0.001) and the R2=0.130 (P0.001) showed significant negative correlation. The available phosphorus and the total number of nematodes (R2=0.180, P0.001), the abundance of the nematode eating nematode (R2=0.222, P0.001), the abundance of herbivorous nematodes (R2=0.148, P0.001), and the enrichment index (R2=0.151, P0.001) were all significant positive correlation. The nematode maturity index (R2=0.152, P0.001), structure index (R2=0.122, P0.05), channel index (R2=0.155, P0.001) showed significant negative correlation. The ammonium nitrogen and structural index (R2=0.087, P0.05), channel index (R2=0.130, P0.05) showed significant positive correlation, but with the total number of nematodes (R2=0.145, P0.05), bacterial nematode abundance, and phytophagous nematode abundance. (R2=0.125, P0.05), R2=0.160 (P0.001), evenness index (R2=0.041, P0.05), enrichment index (R2=0.153, P0.001) are all significantly negative correlation. In summary, phosphate fertilizer can increase soil nutrients and soil nematode abundance, change soil nematode to the organic decomposition pathway, reduce rare species. By increasing non-agricultural diversity can be reduced. The negative effects of slow fertilization on soil nematode community increased the complexity of the food network. The experimental results could provide a theoretical basis for farmland fertilization and weed control measures, the conservation of farmland biodiversity and the healthy development of farmland soil.
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