本文选题:横垄覆膜 + 土壤净氮矿化 ; 参考:《水土保持学报》2017年04期
[Abstract]:The effect of mulching on net nitrogen mineralization in Wulongchi small watershed of Danjiangkou reservoir area was studied by in-situ mineralization experiment and compared with mulching soil without mulching. The results showed that the net nitrogen mineralization of mulching soil decreased by 7.87.0% and 2.2cm 52.8%, respectively, at late jointing stage, heading stage and ripening stage, compared with non-mulching soil, respectively, in maize seedling stage and early jointing stage, the amount of net nitrogen mineralization in cross-ridge mulching soil decreased by 7.87.0% and 2.2cm 52.8%, respectively, in late jointing stage, heading stage and mature stage. The amount of net nitrogen mineralization in the mulched soil was 352.9% higher than that in the non-mulched soil, and 52.5% and 334.8% higher than that in the non-mulching soil. There was a strong correlation between net nitrogen mineralization and soil water content, temperature and total nitrogen in maize seedling, jointing, heading and ripening stages. Stepwise regression analysis showed that The linear relationship of net nitrogen mineralization between maize seedling stage and soil temperature was found in cross ridge mulching film mulching soil, the linear relationship between soil moisture content and soil water content and temperature at jointing stage was optimal, and the linear relationship between maize ripening stage and soil water content was best, and the linear relationship between F ~ (2 +) and soil water content was 0. 007% in maize jointing stage, F ~ (36. 861) P ~ (1 +) P ~ (1 +), and (2) F ~ (2 +) ~ (2 +) -4 ~ (2. 438) P ~ (2 +) P ~ (2 +) in maize.
【作者单位】: 湖北大学资源环境学院/区域开发与环境响应湖北省重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“垄作覆膜对土壤无机氮流失过程的影响机理”(41471227) 湖北省自然科学基金项目“丹江口库区土地利用变化对营养盐输出影响研究”(2016CFB201)
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