本文选题:酸性土壤 + 石灰 ; 参考:《中国农业科学》2017年13期
【摘要】:【目的】施用石灰是改良土壤酸度获得作物增产的传统而有效的方法之一,整合分析石灰增加作物产量的效应和原因,对科学合理施用石灰维持作物高产提供指导。【方法】收集已公开发表有关石灰改良酸性土壤的文献数据,建立土壤p H和作物产量/生物量数据库。分析土壤初始p H(3.1—6.6)、作物类型(粮食作物、经济作物)、石灰施入量(750、750—1 500、1 500—3 000、3 000—6 000、6 000 kg·hm-2)和石灰类型(生石灰、熟石灰、石灰石粉)下,作物的增产率。【结果】与不施石灰相比,酸性土壤上施用石灰可提高作物产量,增产幅度为2%—255%,粮食类作物和经济类作物增产率分别为42%和47%,其中粮食类作物增产率大小排序:玉米(149%)高粱(142%)麦类(55%)豆类(32%)水稻(4%)薯类(2%),经济类作物增产率排序:蔬菜(255%)牧草(89%)油菜(26%)水果(23%)烟草(7%)。施用石灰作物增产率随土壤初始p H的升高呈先升高后降低趋势:当p H为4.3时,增产效果最好,达99%;p H 5.8以上出现减产。在常见土壤酸性范围(p H 4.5—5.5),石灰用量以3 000—6 000 kg·hm-2最佳,增产率达55%—173%。熟石灰的增产效果(100%)要优于生石灰(32%)和石灰石粉(64%)。施用石灰提高土壤p H和交换性钙含量、降低交换性铝含量,是作物增产的主要原因,且当交换性钙为6.2 cmol·kg~(-1)时增产率最大,也证实改良土壤酸度时需要中等石灰用量。【结论】酸性土壤添加石灰对蔬菜和玉米的增产效果最好,并优先选用熟石灰。石灰用量以3 000—6 000 kg·hm-2为宜,在p H大于5.8时不宜施用,即酸性土壤改良目标值为p H 5.8。
[Abstract]:[objective] the application of lime is one of the traditional and effective methods to improve soil acidity to increase crop yield. [methods] collected published literature data about lime improving acid soil, established soil pH and crop yield / biomass database. Soil initial pH 3.1-6.6m, crop types (grain crops, cash crops, calcareous application amount 750750-1 500-1 500-3 3000 kg hm-2) and lime types (quicklime, hydrated lime, limestone powder) were analyzed. Rate of increase in crop yield. [results] Application of lime on acidic soils can increase crop yields compared with no lime application. The yield of grain crops and economic crops increased by 42% and 47% respectively, among which the order of increase rate of grain crops was: corn 149th) sorghum scale 142cm) grain crops 5555555) legumes) rice seeds) potato crops 22and economic crops increase rate. Order: vegetables 255) forage grass 89) Brassica napus 26) fruit 23) tobacco in the area. With the increase of initial pH in soil, the yield of lime increased first and then decreased: when pH was 4.3, the yield was the best, and the yield decreased above 99pH 5.8. In the common acidic range of soil pH 4.5-5.5, the lime dosage of 3 000-6 000 kg hm-2 was the best, and the yield increase rate was 55-173%. The productivity of slaked lime is better than that of quicklime and limestone powder. Lime application increased soil pH and exchangeable calcium content and decreased exchangeable aluminum content, which was the main reason for increasing crop yield, and the increase rate was the highest when exchangeable calcium was 6.2 cmol / kg ~ (-1). It is also proved that medium lime dosage is needed to improve soil acidity. [conclusion] the acid soil added lime has the best effect on increasing yield of vegetable and corn, and slaked lime is preferred. The suitable dosage of lime was 3 000-6 000 kg hm-2, and when pH was greater than 5. 8, the target value of acid soil improvement was pH 5. 8.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学农学院;中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/耕地培育技术国家工程实验室;
【基金】:国家“973”计划(2014CB441001) 中国博士后科学基金(2015M571178) 国家自然科学基金地区项目(31360503)
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