本文选题:农村宅基地复垦 + 种植模式 ; 参考:《西南大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着经济的快速迅猛发展以及城镇化进程的加快,人地矛盾日益突出,建设用地的需求每年都在加大。而坚守18亿亩的耕地保护红线是我国的基本目标,如何协调和保障因经济发展和基础设施建设用地的需求,是摆在我们土地科学工作者面前一到难题。与之相对应的是随着农村农民的收入不断提高,不少农民从农村迁至城市,使得很多农村宅基地闲置,造成土地资源的浪费。根据国土资源部出台的“城乡建设用地增减挂钩”等政策,农村宅基地复垦可作为解决用地紧张矛盾的重要途径。而重庆积极响应国家政策,近几年宅基地复垦面积较大,2008年至2013年重庆市入库备案农村建设用地复垦项目6314个,复垦建设用地24740公顷,取得了一定的成绩,但也随之出现了一系列问题,如只重视新增耕地指标,对复垦后耕地不进行管理保护等问题,导致了复垦后耕地质量差、利用效益低下,出现了再次撂荒。而目前国内外对农村宅基地复垦的研究主要集中在农村居民点复垦潜力评价、复垦效益分析、复垦现状、问题及对策分析、复垦后土壤质量情况以及宅基地复垦规划设计等方面,对复垦后耕地利用方面的研究较少。因此研究宅基地复垦后耕地利用模式,对增加作物产量,提高复垦后耕地利用效益,实现农民增产增收,增强宅基地复垦后耕地管护利用均具有一定的现实意义。本研究在调查重庆市宅基地复垦耕地利用现状的基础上,分析比较各个利用模式的经济效益和光能利用率,并从中选择出六种表现较好的种植模式(即CP1儿菜-四季豆、CP2油菜/玉米、CP3胡豆-玉米、CP4马铃薯/西瓜、CP5马铃薯/玉米、CP6莴笋-玉米)在铜梁县水口镇进行田间定位试验,研究了六种种植模式对土壤质量、经济效益和生态效益的影响,并运用灰色关联度分析法综合评估六种种植模式的优劣程度。研究得出以下主要结论:1.重庆市农村宅基地复垦耕地利用现状调查调查重庆三峡库区、武隆山区和渝西地区农村宅基地复垦后耕地利用模式发现,各区域复垦耕地利用模式中纯收益最高的为渝西地区的蔬菜-蔬菜模式,纯收益为101850元/公顷;纯收益最低的为三峡库区万州区的青蒿模式,纯收益仅为10500元/公顷;光能利用率最高的为三峡库区的玉米/红薯模式,该模式光能利用率为1.04%,最低的为武隆山区的烤烟模式,该模式光能利用率仅有0.1%。2.复垦耕地不同利用模式对土壤质量的影响(1)复垦耕地不同利用模式对土壤物理指标的影响比较六种种植模式对土壤物理性质的影响,得出试验结束后各种植模式土壤容重与试验前相比都有所降低,各模式间差异达到显著性,其中CP3(胡豆-玉米)的容重最小,CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)的容重最大。土壤含水率和土壤孔隙度与试验前相比,都有所增加,但各模式间差异并未达到显著性水平。试验结束后各种植模式土壤砾石含量均下降,且差异达到显著性,砾石含量最小的模式为CP3(胡豆-玉米)。各种植模式对土壤团聚体的影响在5mm和2-5mm粒径间呈显著性差异,并且试验后土壤总团聚体百分比和平均重量直径均增加,CP3(胡豆-玉米)的两者均为最大,说明六种种植模式均能改善土壤结构和增加团聚体稳定性,但是CP3(胡豆-玉米)的效果最好。(2)复垦耕地不同利用模式对土壤化学指标的影响试验结束后六种种植模式除对土壤pH值、全氮和全钾影响不显著外,对其他化学性质的影响均达显著水平。土壤pH值各种植模式较试验前均下降,最高的模式为CP3(胡豆-玉米),最小的为CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)。试验后CPl(儿菜-四季豆)、CP2(油菜/玉米)、CP3(胡豆-玉米)和CP5(马铃薯/玉米)的土壤有机质含量增加,其他两种模式则下降,含量最高的为CP2(油菜/玉米),最少的为CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)。土壤全量养分中,试验后全氮含量除CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)和CP6(莴笋-玉米)减少外,其余四种种植模式的土壤全氮含量均增加,CP3(胡豆-玉米)含量最高,CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)含量最低;全磷含量与试验前比均下降,全钾含量均增加,含量最高的均为CP2(油菜/玉米)。土壤速效养分中,碱解氮含量均比试验前增加,CP3(胡豆-玉米)含量最高;有效磷含量除CP2(油菜/玉米)增加外,其余模式均下降,CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)含量最低;速效钾含量除CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)下降外,其余模式均增加,CP3(胡豆-玉米)含量最高。综合比较各种植模式对土壤化学性质的影响可得出,CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)提升土壤养分效果最差,CP2(油菜/玉米)和CP3(胡豆-玉米)提升土壤养分效果较好。3.复垦耕地不同利用模式下的效益分析六种种植模式中CP1(儿菜-四季豆)的经济产量最高为31838.10 kg/公顷,CP3(胡豆-玉米)的经济产量最低,仅有7401.60 kg/公顷。生物产量最高的为CP6(莴笋-玉米)的30498.58 kg/公顷,最低的为CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)的14810.74 kg/公顷。几种模式中CP1(儿菜-四季豆)的总收益、成本、纯收益和产投比均为最高,其纯收益为64778.92元/公顷,CP2(油菜/玉米)的总收益、纯收益和产投比均为最低,其纯收益为5779.53元/公顷,仅为前者的8.92%,成本最低的则为CP3(胡豆-玉米)。各模式中CP5(马铃薯/玉米)的光能利用率最大,达到1.57%,CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)的光能利用率最低,仅为0.13%。CP5(马铃薯/玉米)的产出能和净产能均为最高,其净产能为316189.75 MJ/公顷,投入能最多的为CP2(油菜/玉米),产投比最大的为CP6(莴笋-玉米),而所有能量指标CP1(儿菜-四季豆)均为最小,其净产能为9611.48 MJ/公顷,仅为前者的3.04%。4.复垦耕地不同利用模式综合评价本研究运用灰色关联度分析法,从土壤理化性质、经济效益和生态效益三个方面共选择十个指标来对试验中的六种种植模式进行综合评价,得出等权重赋值和按各指标的重要性进行权重赋值时,CP5(马铃薯/玉米)的关联度均最大,为最优模式,可以在宅基地复垦耕地的种植中进行适当推广;而CP4(马铃薯/西瓜)的关联度均最小,为最劣模式。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid and rapid development of economy and the accelerated process of urbanization, the contradiction between people and land is becoming more and more prominent, the demand for construction land is increasing every year. And adhering to the red line of 1 billion 800 million mu of cultivated land protection is the basic goal of our country. How to coordinate and guarantee the demand of economic development and infrastructure construction land is placed in our land department. It is a difficult problem in front of the scholars. With the increasing income of rural farmers, many farmers moved from the countryside to the city, which made many rural homestead idle and caused the waste of land resources. According to the policy of "increasing and reducing the land of urban and rural construction land" issued by the Ministry of land and resources, the reclamation of rural residential land can be used as a solution. In recent years, Chongqing has actively responded to the national policy, and the reclaimed area of the homestead has been reclaimed in recent years. In 2008 to 2013, there were 6314 reclaimed projects for rural construction land reclamation in Chongqing and 24740 hectares of land for reclamation and construction, and some problems had been achieved, but a series of problems appeared, for example, only new ploughing was paid. The problems of land index and no management protection for cultivated land after reclamation have led to the poor quality of cultivated land and low utilization of cultivated land after reclamation. At present, the research on rural residential land reclamation at home and abroad mainly concentrates on the evaluation of reclamation potential of rural residential land, the analysis of reclamation efficiency, the status of reclamation, problems and countermeasures analysis, reclamation after reclamation. There are few studies on the utilization of cultivated land after reclamation, so it is necessary to study the utilization mode of cultivated land after reclaimed land reclamation, so as to increase crop yield, improve the benefit of cultivated land utilization after reclamation, increase production and income of farmers, and enhance the utilization of cultivated land after reclamation. Practical significance. On the basis of investigating the utilization status of cultivated land reclamation in Chongqing, the economic benefit and light energy utilization rate of each utilization model were compared and compared, and six kinds of planting patterns were selected, namely, CP1 children's vegetable - four season beans, CP2 rape / corn, CP3 bean corn, CP4 potato / watermelon, CP5 potato / corn, CP6 lettuce maize field location test was carried out in the Tongliang County Shuikou Town. The effects of six planting patterns on soil quality, economic benefit and ecological benefit were studied. The grey correlation analysis method was used to evaluate the degree of the six planting patterns. The following main conclusions were obtained: 1. the reclamation of farmland in rural residential land in Chongqing City The current investigation and investigation of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing, the land reclamation pattern of the rural residential land in the Wulong and Western Chongqing areas found that the highest pure income in the land reclamation mode of each region is the vegetable vegetable pattern in the west of Chongqing, the pure income is 101850 yuan per hectare, and the lowest pure income is the model of the Artemisia in the Wanzhou District of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The yield is only 10500 yuan per hectare; the highest utilization rate of light energy is the maize / sweet potato pattern in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The utilization rate of light energy is 1.04%, the lowest is the flue cured tobacco pattern in Wulong mountain area. The light energy utilization rate of this model is only 0.1%.2. reclaimed cultivated land with different utilization modes on soil quality (1) different utilization modes of cultivated land for reclaimed cultivated land The effects of physical indexes on soil physical properties were compared between the six planting patterns. The results showed that after the experiment, the soil bulk density of each planting model decreased compared with that before the test, and the differences in each model reached significant, of which the bulk density of CP3 (PEA corn) was the smallest, and the bulk density of CP4 (horse bell potato / watermelon) was the largest. Soil moisture content and soil porosity were the most important. After the experiment, the soil gravel content decreased, and the difference reached significant, and the pattern of the gravel content was CP3 (Hu Dou - corn). The influence of each planting pattern on soil aggregates was significant difference between the 5mm and 2-5mm particle sizes. The percentage of soil aggregate and the average weight diameter of soil increased, and both of CP3 (PEA corn) were the largest, indicating that the six planting patterns could improve soil structure and increase the stability of aggregate, but the effect of CP3 (PEA corn) was the best. (2) the effects of different utilization modes of cultivated land on soil chemical indexes The effects on soil pH, total nitrogen and total potassium were not significant, but the effects on other chemical properties were all significant. The pH value of soil was reduced by CP3 (PEA corn) and CP4 (potato / watermelon), and CPl (cabbage / bean) and CP2 (rape / corn) after test. The soil organic matter content of CP3 (bean - corn) and CP5 (potato / corn) increased, the other two patterns decreased, the highest content was CP2 (rape / corn), and the lowest was CP4 (potato / watermelon). The total nitrogen content of soil was reduced in addition to CP4 (horse bell potato / watermelon) and CP6 (lettuce corn), and the other four planting patterns. The content of total nitrogen in soil increased, the content of CP3 (bean corn) was the highest, the content of CP4 (potato / watermelon) was the lowest, the total phosphorus content and the ratio of total potassium decreased, all potassium content increased, the highest content was CP2 (rape / corn). The content of alkali hydrolysable nitrogen in soil available nutrients increased and the content of CP3 (PEA corn) was the highest, and the available phosphorus content was the highest. In addition to the increase of CP2 (rape / corn), the remaining patterns were all decreased, and the content of CP4 (potato / watermelon) was the lowest; the content of available potassium increased in addition to CP4 (potato / watermelon), and the content of CP3 (PEA corn) was the highest. The comprehensive comparison of the effects of various planting patterns on soil chemical properties could be concluded that CP4 (potato / watermelon) raised soil nutrition. The effect of CP2 (rape / corn) and CP3 (bean - corn) improved soil nutrient effect was better than that of.3. reclaimed cultivated land. In the six planting patterns, the economic yield of CP1 was the highest of 31838.10 kg/ ha, and the economic yield of CP3 (PEA jade rice) was the lowest, only 7401.60 kg/ ha. The highest is 30498.58 kg/ ha of CP6 (lettuce corn), and the lowest is 14810.74 kg/ ha of CP4 (potato / watermelon). In several models, the total income, cost, pure income and yield ratio of CP1 are the highest, its pure income is 64778.92 yuan / ha, and the total income of CP2 (rape / corn) is the lowest, and the net income and yield ratio are the lowest. The pure income is 5779.53 yuan per hectare, only 8.92% of the former, and the lowest cost is CP3 (PEA corn). CP5 (potato / corn) has the highest light energy utilization rate in each model, reaching 1.57%, CP4 (potato / watermelon) has the lowest light energy utilization rate, only 0.13%.CP5 (Ma Ling / corn) has the highest yield and net productivity, and its net production capacity is 316189.. 75 MJ/ hectares, the maximum input energy is CP2 (rape / corn), the largest yield ratio is CP6 (lettuce and corn), and all the energy index CP1 (children's vegetable - four season bean) is the smallest, its net production capacity is 9611.48 MJ/ ha, only for the former 3.04%.4. reclaimed cultivated land with different utilization model comprehensive evaluation method, using the grey correlation analysis method, from the soil theory In the three aspects of chemical property, economic benefit and ecological benefit, ten indexes are selected to evaluate the six planting patterns in the experiment. When the weight assignment and weight assignment of each index are obtained, the correlation degree of CP5 (potato / corn) is the greatest. It is the best model and can be used in the cultivation of the cultivated land for the Homestead Land. It is appropriate to popularize, while CP4 (potato / watermelon) has the lowest correlation degree.
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