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发布时间:2018-06-16 09:33

  本文选题:蚂蚁 + 物种多样性 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:从古至今黄河下游一直是我国传统农业地区,但近年来农业发展产生很多问题:景观结构单一、人为干扰过度、生物多样性丧失等。蚂蚁种类繁多、数目巨大、分布广泛,作为农林生态系统的优势类群,其多样性对生态系统具有重要的指示作用。河南省封丘县是黄河下游典型农业地区,具有代表性,因此以封丘地区为例对蚂蚁多样性及其与景观、环境的关系进行研究,可以为黄河下游平原农业生态系统的健康发展和生物的多样性的保护提供科学依据。本研究采用陷阱法共获取蚂蚁18 516头,隶属于5个亚科,12个属,17个种。切叶蚁亚科(Myrmiciae)种类和数量均最多,其中铺道蚁属(Tetramorium)含种数最多,其次是蚁亚科(Formicinae),所含有的属中弓背蚁属(Camponotus)、大头蚁属(Pheidolewestwood)、盘腹蚁属(Aphaenogaster)均有2种;而猛蚁亚科(Ponerinae)、伪切叶蚁亚科(Pseudomyrmec)和臭蚁亚科(Dolichoderinae)均各为1属1种,其数量也是最少的。铺道蚁(T.Caespitum)和掘穴蚁(F.cunicularia)个体数分别约占总个体数的40%和15%,为优势类群;黄足厚结猛蚁(P.luteipes)、针毛收获蚁(Messor aciculatus)和克氏铺道蚁(T.kraepelini)个体数在5%~10%之间,为亚优势类群;小家蚁(Monomorium pharaonis)、广西铺道蚁(T.guangxiensis)、黑细长蚁(Tetraponera nigra)、西伯利亚臭蚁(D.sibiricus)等为常见类群;其他蚁种均为稀有类群。其中优势类群和亚优势类群的种均为广布种。相同生境不同季节和相同季节不同生境中的个体数和类群数均存在明显差异(p0.01)。蚂蚁物种丰富度指数在四种生境中差异显著(p0.01),农田最低,只有5.69,除林地较高(9.76)外,其余都在8.5左右;而均匀度指数差别不大,均在0.57到0.63之间;多样性指数与优势度指数均具有显著差异。选取春季林地蚂蚁群落及其土壤和植物群落环境数据,采用CCA排序分析物种样环境两者之间的关系发现,环境因子与物种分布之间相互关系非常显著(p0.01),影响封丘蚂蚁时空分布的主要环境因子最显著的是植物盖度、土壤p H值、植物高度、总氮和速效磷。针毛收获蚁、铺道蚁、克氏铺道蚁、宽结大头蚁(P.noda)、小家蚁、黑细长蚁、史氏盘腹蚁(A.smythiesii)和亮红大头蚁(P.fervida)对土壤矿质较为敏感,偏好矿质元素较低的环境。而广西铺道蚁、黄立毛蚁(Paratrechina flavipes)、西伯利亚臭蚁、黄足厚结猛蚁、杂色弓背蚁(C.monju)、掘穴蚁、高桥盘腹蚁(A.takahashii)和日本弓背蚁(C.japonicus)能够更好地适应不同环境。以取样点为中心,以50m、100m、250m、350m、500m、750m和1000m为半径画不同缓冲区确定样地周边多尺度的景观特征后,分析蚂蚁群落对景观结构的异质性生态响应发现,在100m范围左右,景观能够更好地解释蚂蚁物种多样性。因此选择100m作为蚂蚁与景观异质性的研究尺度。在蚂蚁响应的特征景观尺度上选取景观水平下的6类52种林地景观指数。经过因子分析,显示有15种景观指数对调查区蚂蚁多度及其时空分布影响显著,且最显著的景观指数依次是修正的辛普森多样性指数(MISDI)、香农多样性指数(SHDI)、斑块面积(AREA_CV)、总边缘对照指数(TECI)和临近度指数(PROX_MN);研究还显示,除掘穴蚁、杂色弓背蚁、黄立毛蚁、黄足厚结猛蚁外,其他蚂蚁物种对景观变化响应都十分明显,且蚁亚科对景观异质性的响应更为敏感。
[Abstract]:From ancient times to the present, the lower reaches of the Yellow River have been the traditional agricultural areas of our country, but in recent years there are many problems in the development of Agriculture: single landscape structure, excessive human disturbance and loss of biological diversity. There are many kinds, large numbers and wide distribution of ants. The diversity of the ecological system has an important indication of the ecological system. The Fengqiu County of Henan province is a typical agricultural region of the lower reaches of the Yellow River, which is representative. Therefore, the study on the relationship between the diversity of ants and their landscape and environment in Fengqiu area can provide a scientific basis for the healthy development of the agricultural ecosystem in the lower reaches of the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the protection of biodiversity in the lower reaches of the the Yellow River. A total of 18516 ants were obtained, belonging to 5 subfamilies, 12 genera and 17 species. The species and number of Myrmiciae were the most, among which the species of Tetramorium were the most species, followed by the subfamily termite (Formicinae), and the genus Camponotus, Pheidolewestwood and Aphaenogaster. The 2 species: Ponerinae, pseudoracious Ye Yako (Pseudomyrmec) and stinky subfamily (Dolichoderinae) are 1 genera and 1 species, and the number is the least. The number of T.Caespitum and F.cunicularia individuals accounts for 40% and 15% of the total number, respectively. The number of SOR aciculatus) and Kirschner termite (T.kraepelini) is between 5%~10% and subdominant groups; the small family ant (Monomorium pharaonis), the Guangxi pavement ant (T.guangxiensis), the black long termite (Tetraponera nigra), and the Siberia stinky ant (D.sibiricus) are common groups; the other species are rare groups. Among them, the dominant group and subdominant group are the dominant groups and subgroups. The species number and group number in the same habitats in different seasons and the same seasons have obvious differences (P0.01). The diversity of ant species richness index is significant in four habitats (P0.01), and the lowest in farmland is 5.69, except for the higher (9.76) of woodland, and the rest are around 8.5; and the difference of evenness index is not There were significant differences between 0.57 and 0.63, the diversity index and the dominance index were significant differences. The relationship between the environmental data of the forest ant community and its soil and plant community in spring was selected and the relationship between the species sample environment was analyzed by CCA, and the relationship between the environmental factors and the species distribution was very significant (P0.01), which affected the Fengqiu. The main environmental factors of the termite spatial and temporal distribution are plant coverage, soil P H, plant height, total nitrogen and available phosphorus. The hairy termite, paving termite, Kirschner termite, P.noda, small termite, black long termite, A.smythiesii and P.fervida are more sensitive to soil minerals and prefer mineral elements. Guangxi pavement ants, Paratrechina flavipes, Siberia stinks, yellow feet, thick termite, C.monju, cavern ants, A.takahashii and C.japonicus, can better adapt to different environments. Sampling points are centered on 50m, 100m, 250m, 350m, 500m, 750m, and 10. 00m was used to determine the heterogeneous ecological response of the ant community to the landscape structure after drawing different buffers in a radius of different buffers. The analysis of the ecological response of the ant community to the landscape structure showed that the landscape could better explain the diversity of ants in the range of 100m. Therefore, 100m was selected as the research scale of the ant and the landscape heterogeneity. 6 categories of 52 forest landscape indices under the landscape level were selected on the view scale. Through factor analysis, it was shown that there were 15 kinds of landscape indexes which had significant influence on the ant diversity and its spatial and temporal distribution in the investigation area, and the most significant landscape index was the revised Simpson diversity index (MISDI), Shannon diversity index (SHDI), patch area (AREA_CV), and the total edge The relationship between the edge control index (TECI) and the proximity index (PROX_MN), and the study also showed that the response of the other ant species to the landscape changes was very obvious except for the termite, the coloured termite, the erect termite and the thick termite of the yellow foot, and the ant subfamily responded more sensitiently to the landscape heterogeneity.


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