本文选题:Web + GIS ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:河南省地处中原腹地,位于南北气候过渡带,是国家最大的粮食主产区,然而旱涝风等常见的农业气象灾害频频发生,对省内的农业生产带来极大影响。近年来,随着全球气候变暖且降雨量减少,河南省更成为农业干旱发生频率最高的区域之一,干旱成为影响农业粮食产量的最大干扰因素。因此,做好河南省农作物干旱评估工作关系到国家粮食安全、经济建设、社会稳定等一系列重大问题。随着计算机技术和互联网的蓬勃发展,全球步入了大数据时代。数据挖掘、物联网、云计算等新技术兴起,推动了GIS技术在各行业的应用,尤其是集GIS和网络于一体的Web GIS技术成为了GIS领域的热门。Web数据采集技术为相关数据获取,尤其是实时气象数据的采集提供方便快捷的途径。Web GIS技术在空间数据分析、数据可视化等方面得到广泛应用,多种高新技术的发展为河南省建设国家农村信息化示范省,完善农村信息化服务体系提供服务,为农田干旱评价系统提供强有力的技术支持。本文研究设计了一套基于JavaScript技术与ArcGIS Server平台的农田干旱分析评价系统。首先分析了国内外农业干旱的研究现状,然后提出系统开发的技术路线、信息技术平台框架和开发关键技术;其次对农田干旱系统展开需求分析,进而对系统进行详细设计,包括系统总体框架设计、功能模块设计、数据库设计;最后开发实现河南省农田干旱评价系统并对系统做出案例应用评价。论文主要内容如下:(1)分析了当前国内外农业干旱评估的主要研究方法和发展现状,提出了农田干旱分析评价系统开发实现所用的关键技术,主要包括网络数据采集技术、Web GIS开发技术、可视化建模技术等。(2)建立了了冬小麦、夏玉米、水稻三种农作物的干旱评价模型,通过分析河南省冬小麦、夏玉米、水稻的生长特性以及种植地区的地理气候影响因素,确定采用预测土壤墒情、回归分析、降水距平等不同干旱评价方法建立评价模型,确立各农作物干旱评价指标,实现对农作物的干旱预测。(3)完成河南省农田干旱评价系统的可行性分析和需求分析,分别从技术、经济、操作等方面说明系统实现可行性,并详细分析系统用户需求、业务需求、数据需求和功能需求。(4)在系统需求分析基础上,提出了河南省农田干旱评价系统的总体设计,主要包括系统总体框架设计、系统功能模块设计和详细的数据库设计。(5)开发了农田干旱评价系统平台,主要实现气象数据实时采集功能、气象数据查询功能、农作物干旱评价模型集成,发布实时气象数据和旱情数据的GP模型服务,通过GIS技术以专题地图形式在客户端展示。(6)进行了河南省农田干旱评价系统的案例应用研究。通过案例测试分析系统的运行状态和功能实现,以及系统运行的稳定性。通过测试表明,系统运行稳定,可实现对农田旱情实时分析与评价,为农业生产和政府管理提供科技支撑。
[Abstract]:Henan province is located in the Central Plains, located in the north and south climate transition zone, and is the largest main grain producing area in the country. However, the frequent agro meteorological disasters such as drought and waterlogging wind frequently occur, which have great influence on the agricultural production in the province. In recent years, with the global warming and the decrease of rainfall, Henan has become the most frequent area of agricultural drought. One of the regions, drought has become the biggest disturbing factor affecting the agricultural grain production. Therefore, a good job evaluation of the crop drought in Henan is related to a series of major problems, such as national food security, economic construction, social stability and so on. With the rapid development of computer technology and the Internet, the world has entered a big data age. Data mining, the Internet of things, The rise of new technology such as cloud computing has promoted the application of GIS technology in various industries, especially the Web GIS technology which integrates GIS and network into one. It has become the popular.Web data acquisition technology in the GIS field for the acquisition of related data, especially the collection of real-time meteorological data, which provides convenient and fast path path.Web GIS technology in spatial data analysis and data visualization. The development of a variety of high and new technologies has been developed for the construction of the national rural informatization demonstration province in Henan Province, the service system of rural information service and the strong technical support for the farmland drought evaluation system. A set of farmland drought based on JavaScript and ArcGIS Server platform is designed and designed in this paper. Analysis and evaluation system. First, it analyzes the current research status of agricultural drought at home and abroad, and then puts forward the technical route of the system development, the framework of information technology platform and the key technology of development. Secondly, the demand analysis is carried out on the farmland drought system, and then the system is designed in detail, including the overall frame design of the system, the design of functional modules, and the database set up. The main contents of the thesis are as follows: (1) the main research methods and development status of agricultural drought assessment at home and abroad are analyzed, and the key technologies used in the development and Realization of the farmland drought analysis and evaluation system are put forward, mainly including the network data mining. (1) the key techniques used in the development and Realization of the farmland drought analysis and evaluation system are put forward, including the network data mining. Set technology, Web GIS development technology, visual modeling technology and so on. (2) a drought evaluation model of winter wheat, summer corn and rice was established. By analyzing the growth characteristics of winter wheat, summer corn and rice in Henan province and the geographical climate influence factors of the planting area, the soil moisture, regression analysis and precipitation anomaly were determined. To establish evaluation models of different drought evaluation methods, establish drought evaluation indexes of various crops and realize drought prediction of crops. (3) complete the feasibility analysis and demand analysis of farmland drought evaluation system in Henan Province, and explain the feasibility of the system from the aspects of technology, economy, operation and so on, and analyze the requirements of the system users and business in detail. Requirements, data requirements and functional requirements. (4) on the basis of system requirement analysis, the overall design of farmland drought evaluation system in Henan province is proposed, including system overall framework design, system function module design and detailed database design. (5) a farmland drought drought evaluation system platform is developed, which mainly realizes the real-time collection work of meteorological data. Ability, meteorological data query function, crop drought evaluation model integration, GP model service of real-time meteorological data and drought data, GIS technology in the form of thematic map in client display. (6) a case application study of farmland drought evaluation system in Henan province was carried out. The operation state and function of the system were analyzed by case test. The stability of the system shows that the system runs steadily, and can realize the real-time analysis and evaluation of farmland drought, and provide scientific and technological support for agricultural production and government management.
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