本文选题:烤烟 + 连作 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Henan Province is an important tobacco growing province in China because of its good geographical conditions and suitable climate environment. However, in recent years, the planting area of tobacco in Henan Province has been reduced, and the continuous cropping in tobacco fields is very common, which seriously affects the quality of tobacco. According to the investigation, tobacco fields in most areas of Henan Province have continuous cropping situation, the years of continuous cropping range from 3 to 20 years. In this paper, a series of investigation and sampling analysis on tobacco fields in various cities of Henan Province were carried out, including the investigation of tobacco continuous cropping in Henan Province, and the field soil sampling analysis of several regions with serious continuous cropping problems on the basis of investigation. The results showed that the main enzyme activities of tobacco fields in different cropping years were basically the same, and urease and sucrase of tobacco fields in Jiaxian and Songxian areas were similar. The activities of acid phosphatase, catalase and organic matter increased first and then decreased with the increase of continuous cropping years. The variation trend of soil enzyme activity in Xiangcheng County was more zigzag, but it was also a downward trend in general. The variation trend of microbial content in Jiaxian and Songxian soils was basically the same, and the changes of bacteria, yeast and actinomycete in these two areas showed a trend of first rising and then decreasing. But the change trend of microorganism content and enzyme activity in Xiangcheng County is the same, the change trend is not very significant, but it is decreasing in the end. The content of mold increased with the increase of continuous cropping year, because most of the fungi in soil belong to pathogenic bacteria, and the increase of mold quantity is not conducive to the growth of tobacco. Therefore, the quantity of mold in soil is negatively correlated with the soil environment. Therefore, the enzyme activity and beneficial bacteria content of tobacco increased with the increase of continuous cropping years, but decreased after a certain number of years. Harmful bacteria are the opposite. At the same time, a pot experiment was carried out to control the obstacles of continuous cropping. According to the investigation of growth indexes of potted tobacco in each growing period and the analysis of soil physical and chemical properties and microbial content during harvest, the experiment was carried out on the basis of the investigation of the continuous cropping of tobacco in the field at the same time. Finally, the data of all the potted plants were synthesised. The better treatments were treatment 5 (T5) and treatment 10 (T10), followed by T7, T21, T1, T9, T11, T12, T27, T25, T4, T14, T16, T17, T23, and T7, T21, T1, T1, T9, T11, T12, T27, T25, T4, T14, T16, T17, T23.
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