[Abstract]:Through the indoor flume simulation scour test, the flow rate was 0.61.8L / s, and the vegetation types (flexible vegetation, rigid vegetation) and vegetation configuration pattern (chessboard pattern, long strip pattern, belt pattern) were studied to the depth of flowing water on the slope. The influence of hydrodynamic characteristics such as velocity, flow state, Darcy resistance coefficient, etc. The results showed that: (1) compared with the bare slope, the vegetation had the function of slow flow of Yong water, the depth of water was 2.8 times higher, the velocity of flow was delayed by 31% and 65%, and the pattern of vegetation was more obvious than the type of vegetation, among which the flexible vegetation. The zonal pattern has the best effect on water flow. (2) the flow index m of slope surface shows rigid vegetation, the turbulence of flow under chessboard pattern is the strongest, but the comprehensive index k of slope surface shows flexible vegetation, and the zonal pattern plays a more important role in water flow. (3) under various experimental conditions, The main flow pattern is transition flow, which is mainly influenced by single width flow and independent of vegetation condition, and the water flow pattern is jet flow in bare slope condition, and the flow pattern is slow flow under vegetation cover, which is less affected by single width flow and vegetation type. (4) compared with bare slope, the average resistance coefficient of slope was increased by 2.9g 20.5 times, and the effect of blocking flow was better under the condition of slow flow, and the effect of vegetation type was greater than that of vegetation pattern, in which flexible vegetation and strip were the most important factors. The chessboard pattern has better water blocking effect, while the variation of drag coefficient along the path shows that the band has obvious fluctuation characteristics, and the chessboard pattern is more stable, that is, the hydrodynamic condition is better.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学水土保持学院;北京市水土保持工程技术研究中心;
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