[Abstract]:[objective] to study the evolution characteristics of soil available phosphorus (Olsen-P) and the accumulation of soil phosphorus under long-term fertilization, to analyze the relationship between soil phosphorus accumulation and soil available phosphorus, and to determine the agricultural threshold of Olsen-P and the rational application rate of phosphorus fertilizer. To provide the theoretical basis for the scientific application of phosphorus fertilizer in the yellow soil region of southwest China. [methods] based on the long-term positioning experiment of soil fertility and fertilizer in Guizhou Province, The six treatments were CK, NK, NPK, M, 1 / 2 and MNPK, respectively. Olsen-P content and plant phosphorus uptake in paddy soils of yellow soil in southwest China for 19 years (1995-2013) were analyzed. The variation of Olsen-P in soil and the profit and loss of accumulated phosphorus in soil were studied. The response of relative crop yield to Olsen-P in soil was simulated by Mitscherlich equation. The agronomic threshold of paddy soil of yellow soil in southwest China was determined, and the relationship between Olsen-P and fertilization rate was analyzed. [results] Long-term application of phosphorus fertilizer could significantly increase Olsen-P content in soil. The annual growth rate of Olsen-P was 0.72-2.47 mg kg ~ (-1) a ~ (-1), and the maximum growth rate of Olsen-P was the lowest in MNPK treatment, which was mainly related to the amount of fertilizer. Organic fertilizer combined with chemical phosphorus fertilizer can promote the absorption of phosphorus in crops more effectively than chemical phosphorus fertilizer and organic fertilizer alone. The soil phosphorus surplus was 176-1 200kg hm ~ (-2), and the soil accumulated phosphorus surplus was linearly correlated with the soil Olsen-P increment. The content of Olsen-P in soil increased by 4.0mg kg 路kg ~ (-1) and 2.0 mg / kg ~ (-1) per 100 kg / 100 kg / hm ~ (-2) of soil phosphorus, and the P profit and loss of soil and Olsen-P content were significantly positively correlated with the application rate of phosphorus fertilizer, and the P profit and loss of soil was equal at 17.4 kg / hm ~ (-2) of phosphate fertilizer application rate, and the soil phosphorus yield and loss were similar at the time of P fertilizer application (pure P) 17.4 kg hm ~ (-2), and the soil P profit and loss were significantly positive correlation with the application rate of P fertilizer at a rate of 17.4 kg hm ~ (-2). The agronomic threshold of Olsen-P was 15.8 mg kg ~ (-1) and the corresponding fertilization amount (pure P) was 37.2 kg hm ~ (-2) a ~ (-1) per year. [conclusion] soil available phosphorus varies with soil phosphorus surplus and is closely related to the amount of phosphorus input. When the amount of phosphate fertilizer (pure P) was 17.4 kg hm ~ (-2) a ~ (-1), the phosphorus content of soil was flat. When the amount of phosphate fertilizer (pure P) was 37.2 kg hm ~ (-2) a ~ (-1), the yield of crop was higher, the utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer in season was high, and the accumulation of phosphorus in soil was less. When the amount of phosphate fertilizer (pure P) was more than 37.2 kg hm ~ (-2) a ~ (-1), the crop yield had no response to the amount of phosphorus fertilizer, and a large amount of phosphorus accumulated in the soil, which increased the risk of phosphorus loss in soil. Under the condition of the accumulation of phosphorus surplus in the soil, the rate of increasing Olsen-P in the paddy soil of yellow soil in southwest China was higher than that in the treatment of organic fertilizer.
【作者单位】: 贵州省农业资源与环境研究所;农业部贵州耕地保育与农业环境科学观测实验站;贵州省农业科学院;
【基金】:国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203030) 贵州省农业科学院自主创新专项(黔农科院自主创新专项)(2014007) 贵州省科技计划(黔科合NY字[2012]3082,黔科平台[2013]4002)
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