[Abstract]:Using broad-leaved mixed low-quality forest, Quercus mongolica low-quality forest and Bai Hua low-quality forest as research objects, the hydrological effects of soil layer and litter layer were compared and analyzed by descriptive statistics and difference analysis. In order to understand the water conservation function of low quality forest. The results showed that the range of soil moisture content, soil density and soil capillary porosity of the three types of soil were 0.86, 0.901 and 0.53g / cm ~ (-3), respectively, and 68.16g / cm ~ (-3). There was no significant difference among the three types of soil moisture content, soil density and soil capillary porosity. Quercus mongolica low quality forest had the lowest soil density, the highest capillary porosity and total porosity. 3 types of total litter volume ranged from 8.87 to 15.18 t hm ~ (-2), and the total litter volume varied from large to small to broad leaved mixed low quality forest, Mongolian Quercus mongolica low quality forest, Bai Hua low quality forest. There were significant differences in the natural water retention rate, the maximum water retention rate and the effective water retention rate between the three types of low quality forest. The range of water holding capacity, maximum water retention rate and effective water retention rate were 13.26, 19.53 and 248.959.97 respectively. The maximum water holding rate and effective interception rate of Quercus mongolica low quality forest were higher than those of the other two types, and the difference was not significant among the two types. The maximum water holding capacity of litter and the effective storage capacity range were 11.4m ~ (-2) and 28.159.00 ~ (9.00) t / hm ~ (-2), respectively, in which the Bai Hua low quality forest was lower than the other two types, and there were significant differences among the different types. The comprehensive analysis showed that the soil hydrological effect of Quercus mongolica low quality forest was superior to the other two types, and the hydrological performance of litter in Bai Hua low quality forest was obviously lower than that in broadleaved mixed low quality forest and Mongolian oak low quality forest.
【作者单位】: 森林持续经营与环境微生物工程黑龙江省重点实验室(东北林业大学);哈尔滨商业大学;
【基金】:林业科学技术推广项目([2015]06号) 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(C201408)
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