[Abstract]:Guangdong Province is located in the tropical and subtropical tropics. It has a mild climate, a long frost-free period, and the four seasons are suitable for agriculture. The fruit tree resources in Guangdong Province are extremely rich and characteristic. Fruit tree planting is an important part of fruit industry and even the whole agricultural industry in Guangdong Province. This topic carries on the growth environment modelling and the science popularization development item design to the Lingnan fruit tree has the important agricultural production significance and the science popularization education significance this paper studies the environment factor monitoring based on the wireless sensor and the situation of the crop growth environment modeling. The development trend of environmental factor monitoring and modeling, as well as the current research situation of popular science development item design are analyzed. On the basis of this, according to the need of the research, four main environmental factors (temperature, air humidity, light) which directly affect the growth of fruit trees in Lingnan were selected from the perspective of fruit tree biology. Soil moisture), a kind of wireless sensor network based on single chip microcomputer Arduino Uno main control board as the core processor, comprehensive use of modern sensor technology, wireless sensor network, The monitoring system of ecological environment factors based on circuit and system technology can monitor the growth environment factors of fruit trees quickly and accurately. The experimental environment was set up in the greenhouse of Guangdong Science Center. By setting up different environmental conditions such as light and humidity, and by monitoring and testing with the purchased Parrot Flower power, mercury thermometer, hygrometer and so on, the measuring equipment was compared and tested. The test results show that the laboratory wireless sensor system has good accuracy and applicability in data monitoring and can meet the needs of the research. Using the laboratory sensor system, we selected the yellow bark tree as the representative tree species of Lingnan fruit tree for 28 weeks of continuous environmental data monitoring and growth data measurement, and hypothesized the relationship between the growth of fruit trees and the main environmental factors. A mathematical model describing the relationship between growth and environmental factors of fruit trees in Lingnan was established. Based on the logistic growth curve, a single and multifactor logistic growth model of yellow bark tree was established, and a multivariate linear regression model was established for comparative analysis. It was concluded that the multivariate logistic growth model was more suitable for the growth law of yellow bark tree plant through the analysis of fitting degree. At the same time, the model is a general method, which can be transplanted to other fruit tree varieties. It is also useful to other fruit trees such as orange, litchi, longan and so on. Based on the real-time monitoring results of fruit trees in Lingnan, the popular exhibits were designed, and the results of real-time monitoring of the growth environment factors of fruit trees in Lingnan were displayed to convey fruit tree knowledge to the audience. This project realizes the rapid and accurate acquisition of information on the growth environment factors of fruit trees in Lingnan. It is a practical exploration and research on the application of information technology to agricultural production, and at the same time, This subject is aimed at the application of science popularization and develops a monitoring system that can be used by the public to operate and experience in the popular science exhibition hall. The real-time monitoring results of environmental factors of fruit trees in Lingnan are designed as popular science exhibition items, which can teach scientific knowledge and enlighten scientific ideas. It is of great significance to popularize and innovate science by arousing its curiosity and interest in scientific inquiry and arousing people's understanding and love of biological knowledge.
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