[Abstract]:In order to reduce the exploitation of peat and improve the reutilization rate of greening waste, the feasibility of replacing peat with aerobic compost and earthworm compost as vegetable seedling substrate was discussed. Aerobic composting and earthworm composting were carried out. Six substrates were prepared by mixing peat with different volumes: control (peat) T 1 (aerobic compost) T 2 (earthworm compost) T 3 [V (aerobic compost): v (peat) 1: 1] T4 [V (earthworm compost) V (peat) 1: 1] T5 [V (aerobic compost) V (earthworm compost)] V (earthworm compost) Peat) 1: 1: 1], in a completely random design, Three different salt-tolerant vegetables Brassica oleracea (high salt tolerance), lettuce Lactuca sativa (medium salt tolerance) and Cucurbita pepo var.ovifera (Cucurbita pepo var.ovifera) were cultured and treated for 10 times to study the physicochemical properties of different substrates and their effects on the growth of vegetable seedlings. Membership function was used to evaluate the quality of each matrix formulation. The results showed that the physicochemical properties of the substrate treated with 10% T4 were in the ideal range of soilless culture medium. The comprehensive evaluation index of the growth quality of lettuce and zucchini seedlings was 0.52n0.54, respectively, which was higher than that of the control 0.330.49. the cost of lettuce and zucchini seedlings was reduced by 41.56C, and could be used as substitute substrate for cabbage, lettuce and zucchini seedlings.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学林学院;
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