丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa对烟粉虱的寄生选择性研究
发布时间:2018-07-17 20:45
【摘要】:丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa(Gahan)是防治粉虱类害虫最常用的寄生蜂之一。随着目前我国烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)的生物型(或隐种)的演替,Q烟粉虱已经成为我国大部分地区的优势为害生物型。Q烟粉虱的寄主适应性广,危害性更严重,加上传播植物病毒的能力更强,抗药性也更高,因此该虫的防治(尤其是化学防治)面临着严峻的挑战。单一的化学防治已无法持久有效控制烟粉虱种群,而生物防治则是未来最有发展潜力的可持续防治措施之一。目前丽蚜小蜂防治Q烟粉虱及双生病毒对丽蚜小蜂寄生烟粉虱的影响尚未见研究。因此,本研究中,首先研究了丽蚜小蜂对不同寄主植株上Q烟粉虱寄生特性;然后通过Y型嗅觉反应实验,研究了丽蚜小蜂对B、Q烟粉虱的气味选择性,并初步探索了番茄感染TYLCV后,对丽蚜小蜂对B、Q烟粉虱气味选择的影响;最后通过罩笼实验,模拟田间释放丽蚜小蜂对B、Q烟粉虱的寄主选择性和控制效果。研究结果可为田间释放丽蚜小蜂防治烟粉虱提供科学依据和理论指导,也可进一步丰富和推动寄主植物-烟粉虱-天敌昆虫之间互作关系的发展。一、丽蚜小蜂对不同寄主植株上Q烟粉虱的寄生特性为了明确丽蚜小蜂对不同寄主植物上Q烟粉虱的寄生特性,采用微虫笼法在26±1℃、相对湿度、光周期(L:D=16h:8h)的条件下测定了丽蚜小蜂对5种寄主植物上Q烟粉虱的寄生及生长发育特性。结果表明:丽蚜小蜂对辣椒和茄子上烟粉虱三龄若虫的寄生率分别为28.49%和26.85%,显著高于番茄(17.62%)和一品红(16.36%),棉花上居中(21.25%);对寄主烟粉虱的致死率与寄生率趋势一致,从高到低的顺序为:茄子(40.41%)辣椒(37.63%)棉花(33.82%)番茄(26.52%)一品红(18.49%)。丽蚜小蜂在5种寄主植物上的发育历期分别为14.16 d(辣椒)、14.53 d(番茄)、16.54 d(棉花)、16.34 d(茄子)和16.89 d(一品红),其中,在辣椒和番茄上时,丽蚜小蜂的发育历期显著短于其余三种寄主植物。丽蚜小蜂的寿命在烟粉虱不同寄主植物间差异显著,棉花(17.00 d)、一品红(9.60 d)上显著高于其他三种寄主。但丽蚜小蜂的羽化率在供试5种寄主植物间不存在显著差异。表明寄主植物影响了丽蚜小蜂对Q烟粉虱的寄生特性,以辣椒和茄子上对烟粉虱的寄生致死率更高。研究结果可为田间生物防治Q烟粉虱提供科学基础及理论依据。二、丽蚜小蜂对烟粉虱不同生物型的选择性通过嗅觉反应实验,测定了丽蚜小蜂初羽化雌蜂对健康番茄上的不同龄期B、Q烟粉虱的选择性。结果表明,从带虫番茄植株与对照无虫的健康番茄植株气味组合中,丽蚜小蜂显著选择带虫番茄植株,在B和Q烟粉虱气味组合中,丽蚜小蜂倾向于选择带有B烟粉虱的番茄植株,并在2龄若虫期时差异达显著水平。说明带有烟粉虱的番茄植株更有利于丽蚜小蜂的寄主定位,携带B烟粉虱的番茄植株对小蜂的引诱能力高于携带Q的健康番茄植株。三、番茄携带双生病毒对丽蚜小蜂选择烟粉虱的影响通过嗅觉反应实验,测定了丽蚜小蜂对携带TYLCV病毒的番茄植株上不同龄期BQ烟粉虱的选择性。结果表明,丽蚜小蜂在带虫带毒番茄植株vs对照健康不带虫番茄植株气味组合之间没有显著选择性,说明了TYLCV病毒可能在某种程度上抑制了由烟粉虱侵害后诱导番茄产生的有利于丽蚜小蜂进行寄主定位的挥发性化学信息物质。就不同龄期来看,在带B烟粉虱的带毒番茄vs带Q烟粉虱带毒番茄的气味组合之间,在烟粉虱处于卵期及1~3龄若虫期时,丽蚜小蜂也对Q烟粉虱的选择性高于B烟粉虱,但未表现出显著性差异;而当烟粉虱若虫处于4龄期时,丽蚜小蜂表现出对带毒番茄Q烟粉虱4龄若虫期的明显选择性,差异极显著高于带毒B烟粉虱组合,说明了番茄携带TYLCV影响了丽蚜小蜂对烟粉虱若虫的选择性,这种影响随烟粉虱不同龄期而存在差异。四、罩笼试验研究丽蚜小蜂对烟粉虱B、Q共存时的寄生率采用罩笼实验模拟田间烟粉虱B和Q共存时,研究丽蚜小蜂分别对健康和带毒番茄上B、Q烟粉虱3龄若虫的选择性。结果显示,在健康番茄上,丽蚜小蜂对B烟粉虱的寄生率和致死率均高于对Q烟粉虱的选择性;而在携带TYLCV的番茄植株上,丽蚜小蜂对Q烟粉虱的寄生率和致死率均有所提高,但与B烟粉虱的寄生率和致死率之间差异不显著。说明番茄感染病毒后,丽蚜小蜂从对B烟粉虱的寄生偏好转变为对Q烟粉虱的寄生致死率提高,该结果与以上嗅觉反应相一致,说明了TYLCV病毒在一定程度上改变了丽蚜小蜂对烟粉虱B和Q的选择性。
[Abstract]:Encarsia Formosa (Gahan) is one of the most commonly used parasitic wasps for the control of whitefly insect pests. With the current succession of the biotype (or hidden species) of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in China, Q has become the Dominant Pest in most areas of our country for the host adaptability of the biotype.Q Bemisia tabaci, which is more dangerous and more harmful. The ability to spread plant viruses is stronger and resistance is higher, so the pest control (especially chemical control) is facing severe challenges. Single chemical control has been unable to effectively control the population of Bemisia tabaci, and biological control is one of the most potential sustainable control measures in the future. At present, the aphis Aphis wasp prevention and control of Q tobacco whitefly and The effects of the double biovirus on the parasitic whitefly parasitic whitefly of the aphis Aphis were not studied. In this study, the parasitic characteristics of Q on different host plants were studied in this study. Then, through the Y olfactory reaction experiment, the selection of the odour selection of the aphis Aphis and the B, Q tabaci was studied, and the initial exploration of the tomato infected TYLCV to the aphid The effect of the wasp on the odor selection of B, Q Bemisia tabaci was studied. Finally, the host selectivity and control effect of the field release of the aphis Aphis (B, Q) was simulated by the cage experiment. The results could provide scientific basis and theoretical guidance for the release of the aphis Aphis L. in the field, and further enrich and promote the host plant - the Bemisia tabaci - natural enemy. The parasitic characteristics of Q tabaci on different host plants in order to make clear the parasitism characteristics of Q whitefly on different host plants by the aphis Aphis wasp, using the micro insect cage method at 26 + 1 centigrade, relative humidity, and photoperiod (L:D=16h:8h) was used to determine the Q tobacco powder on 5 host plants. The parasitism and growth characteristics of lice showed that the parasitism rate of three nymphs of capsicum and eggplant was 28.49% and 26.85% respectively, which was significantly higher than that of tomatoes (17.62%) and poinsettia (16.36%), and cotton was in the middle (21.25%), and the mortality rate of the host plant was consistent with the parasitic rate, and the order from high to low was eggplant (40.). 41%) chili (37.63%) cotton (33.82%) tomatoes (26.52%) Poinsettia (18.49%). The developmental duration of the aphis Aphis wasps on 5 host plants were 14.16 D (Chili), 14.53 D (tomato), 16.54 D (cotton), 16.34 D (eggplant) and 16.89 D (Poinsettia), among which, the development duration of the aphis Aphis wasp was significantly shorter than that of the other three species. The life span of the aphis Aphis was significantly different among the different host plants of the whitefly. The cotton (17 d) and the poinsettia (9.60 d) were significantly higher than the other three hosts. However, the emergence rate of the aphis Aphis was not significantly different between the 5 host plants. The host plant affected the parasitic characteristics of the aphis Aphis Q and the chili and eggplant. The result of the parasitism was higher in the seed on the tobacco whitefly. The results could provide a scientific basis and theoretical basis for the field biological control of Q. Two, the selectivity of the aphis Aphis wasp on the different ages of B and Q was determined by the olfactory reaction experiment of different biotypes of Bemisia tabaci. The results showed that the aphis Aphis wasp selected the tomato plants significantly from the combination of the tomato plant with the control and the control without the insect. In the combination of B and Q, the aphis Aphis wasp tended to select the tomato plants with B, and the difference reached a significant level in the 2 instar period. The plants were more beneficial to the host location of the aphis aphis, and the tomato plants carrying B tobacco were higher than that of the healthy tomato plants carrying Q. Three, the effect of the double biovirus on the selection of the white Aphis Aphis lice on the selection of the whitefly was determined by the olfactory reaction experiment. The different age BQ of the tomato plants carrying the TYLCV virus was determined by the olfactory reaction experiment. The results showed that there was no significant selectivity between the vs control and the tomato plant odor combination with the parasitoid tomato plants, indicating that the TYLCV virus could inhibit the volatiification of the host location of the aphis Aphis to a certain extent by inhibiting the induction of the tomato by the Bemisia tabaci. Learning information material. In different ages, between the poisonous tomato vs with B and Q of the poisonous tomatoes with Q, the selectivity of the aphis Aphis was higher than that of B, but did not show significant difference, but when the nymph of the whitefly was at the age of 4, the aphid was small. The difference was significantly higher in the 4 instar nymph stages of the poisonous tomato Q. The difference was significantly higher than that of the poisonous B whitefly. It showed that the tomato carrying TYLCV influenced the selectivity of the nymphs of the aphis APHIS. The effect was different with the different age of the tobacco whitefly. Four. The cage test studied the coexistence of the aphis Aphis L. to the B and Q of the whitefly. The parasitism rate of B and Q in the field was simulated by the cage experiment. The results showed that the parasitic rate and death rate of the aphis Aphis L. on the healthy tomatoes were higher than that of the Q tobacco whitefly. The results showed that on healthy tomatoes, the parasitic rate and death rate of the aphis Aphis L. to B were higher than that of the Q B. On the plant, the parasitic and lethality rates of Q were improved, but there was no significant difference between the parasitism rate and the mortality rate of B, indicating that the parasitic preference of the aphis Aphis was increased from the parasitic preference of B to Q, which was consistent with the olfactory response. It is clear that TYLCV virus has changed the selectivity of B to Q and Bemisia tabaci to some extent.
[Abstract]:Encarsia Formosa (Gahan) is one of the most commonly used parasitic wasps for the control of whitefly insect pests. With the current succession of the biotype (or hidden species) of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in China, Q has become the Dominant Pest in most areas of our country for the host adaptability of the biotype.Q Bemisia tabaci, which is more dangerous and more harmful. The ability to spread plant viruses is stronger and resistance is higher, so the pest control (especially chemical control) is facing severe challenges. Single chemical control has been unable to effectively control the population of Bemisia tabaci, and biological control is one of the most potential sustainable control measures in the future. At present, the aphis Aphis wasp prevention and control of Q tobacco whitefly and The effects of the double biovirus on the parasitic whitefly parasitic whitefly of the aphis Aphis were not studied. In this study, the parasitic characteristics of Q on different host plants were studied in this study. Then, through the Y olfactory reaction experiment, the selection of the odour selection of the aphis Aphis and the B, Q tabaci was studied, and the initial exploration of the tomato infected TYLCV to the aphid The effect of the wasp on the odor selection of B, Q Bemisia tabaci was studied. Finally, the host selectivity and control effect of the field release of the aphis Aphis (B, Q) was simulated by the cage experiment. The results could provide scientific basis and theoretical guidance for the release of the aphis Aphis L. in the field, and further enrich and promote the host plant - the Bemisia tabaci - natural enemy. The parasitic characteristics of Q tabaci on different host plants in order to make clear the parasitism characteristics of Q whitefly on different host plants by the aphis Aphis wasp, using the micro insect cage method at 26 + 1 centigrade, relative humidity, and photoperiod (L:D=16h:8h) was used to determine the Q tobacco powder on 5 host plants. The parasitism and growth characteristics of lice showed that the parasitism rate of three nymphs of capsicum and eggplant was 28.49% and 26.85% respectively, which was significantly higher than that of tomatoes (17.62%) and poinsettia (16.36%), and cotton was in the middle (21.25%), and the mortality rate of the host plant was consistent with the parasitic rate, and the order from high to low was eggplant (40.). 41%) chili (37.63%) cotton (33.82%) tomatoes (26.52%) Poinsettia (18.49%). The developmental duration of the aphis Aphis wasps on 5 host plants were 14.16 D (Chili), 14.53 D (tomato), 16.54 D (cotton), 16.34 D (eggplant) and 16.89 D (Poinsettia), among which, the development duration of the aphis Aphis wasp was significantly shorter than that of the other three species. The life span of the aphis Aphis was significantly different among the different host plants of the whitefly. The cotton (17 d) and the poinsettia (9.60 d) were significantly higher than the other three hosts. However, the emergence rate of the aphis Aphis was not significantly different between the 5 host plants. The host plant affected the parasitic characteristics of the aphis Aphis Q and the chili and eggplant. The result of the parasitism was higher in the seed on the tobacco whitefly. The results could provide a scientific basis and theoretical basis for the field biological control of Q. Two, the selectivity of the aphis Aphis wasp on the different ages of B and Q was determined by the olfactory reaction experiment of different biotypes of Bemisia tabaci. The results showed that the aphis Aphis wasp selected the tomato plants significantly from the combination of the tomato plant with the control and the control without the insect. In the combination of B and Q, the aphis Aphis wasp tended to select the tomato plants with B, and the difference reached a significant level in the 2 instar period. The plants were more beneficial to the host location of the aphis aphis, and the tomato plants carrying B tobacco were higher than that of the healthy tomato plants carrying Q. Three, the effect of the double biovirus on the selection of the white Aphis Aphis lice on the selection of the whitefly was determined by the olfactory reaction experiment. The different age BQ of the tomato plants carrying the TYLCV virus was determined by the olfactory reaction experiment. The results showed that there was no significant selectivity between the vs control and the tomato plant odor combination with the parasitoid tomato plants, indicating that the TYLCV virus could inhibit the volatiification of the host location of the aphis Aphis to a certain extent by inhibiting the induction of the tomato by the Bemisia tabaci. Learning information material. In different ages, between the poisonous tomato vs with B and Q of the poisonous tomatoes with Q, the selectivity of the aphis Aphis was higher than that of B, but did not show significant difference, but when the nymph of the whitefly was at the age of 4, the aphid was small. The difference was significantly higher in the 4 instar nymph stages of the poisonous tomato Q. The difference was significantly higher than that of the poisonous B whitefly. It showed that the tomato carrying TYLCV influenced the selectivity of the nymphs of the aphis APHIS. The effect was different with the different age of the tobacco whitefly. Four. The cage test studied the coexistence of the aphis Aphis L. to the B and Q of the whitefly. The parasitism rate of B and Q in the field was simulated by the cage experiment. The results showed that the parasitic rate and death rate of the aphis Aphis L. on the healthy tomatoes were higher than that of the Q tobacco whitefly. The results showed that on healthy tomatoes, the parasitic rate and death rate of the aphis Aphis L. to B were higher than that of the Q B. On the plant, the parasitic and lethality rates of Q were improved, but there was no significant difference between the parasitism rate and the mortality rate of B, indicating that the parasitic preference of the aphis Aphis was increased from the parasitic preference of B to Q, which was consistent with the olfactory response. It is clear that TYLCV virus has changed the selectivity of B to Q and Bemisia tabaci to some extent.
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