[Abstract]:In the process of crop breeding / selection, it is necessary to investigate the physiological indexes and the parameters related to the growth environment in the individual growth cycle of the sample plant. Generally, the data are collected by the artificial method at high frequency. In general, the base number of the sample is large and the period of the data collection is long. Therefore, the automation level of the breeding / selection process is improved. This paper, based on micro AGV, combines with ARM embedded technology, RFID technology, sensor technology and wireless communication technology, designs a set of independent data collection system for individual plant crop individuals. The system is composed of 3 subsystems: micro AGV system, vehicle data acquisition system and communication and control system. Through the system monitoring software of the communication and control system, the system is set up to adjust the system to the appropriate work mode, and then the corresponding operation instructions are sent. After the operation instruction is received, the micro AGV will automatically move along the planned job path according to the instruction information. When the target sample point is identified, the micro AGV stops and passes through. AGV system includes control unit, walking unit, guidance unit and positioning unit 4 parts, the car body is long 260mm, wide 170mm, high 100mm, the chassis height is 60mm, the wheel radius is 40mm, the design maximum moving speed is 0.5m/s, micro AGV system control The system uses the ARM1176JZF-S core S3C6410 as the control core of the system; the walking unit uses 4 GA20Y180 micro DC deceleration motors to provide power for the system, and uses the motor control module based on the L293D chip to realize the action control function. The navigation unit uses the photoelectric sensor module to realize the guiding function and through the 2 level navigation mode. The system realizes the reliable navigation of the micro AGV. The positioning unit uses the positioning mode of RFID technology and photoelectric recognition technology to ensure the precise positioning of the micro AGV movement. The vehicle data acquisition system includes the image acquisition unit, the environment information collection unit, the data processing single element and the data storage unit 4 parts, the image acquisition unit. It is composed of 2 parts of the CCD camera and the automatic lifting device. It has the function of collecting the whole picture of the sample plant. The environment information acquisition unit can collect the environmental information around the sample plant (temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration, light intensity) through the sensor, and the data processing single unit can be used to carry out the collected environmental data through the data processing algorithm. In order to ensure the system to obtain accurate and effective data, the data storage unit uses SD card as the storage medium, and introduces the FAT file system to organize and manage the files of the SD card. The communication and control system includes 2 parts of the vehicle communication unit and the system monitoring software, and the vehicle communication single connected to the ZTE-AC200 3G communication module to realize the system remote. The function of wireless communication; the system monitoring software is responsible for monitoring and controlling the system. The software is developed in the Delphi11 environment, and uses the TCP/IP protocol and the Socket synchronous blocking communication to realize the network communication function. In the process, the system runs stably, the micro AGV can select the job path accurately, without derailment, the location error of the sample point is less than 6mm, the time of collecting the data of 160 sample points is about 9 minutes, the acquisition efficiency is greatly improved compared with the artificial method. The experimental results show that the sample image collected by the system is complete and clear and consistent. The size of each sample image is about 200K B, and the image quality can meet the requirements of the later processing. The average error of the environmental information data collected by the system and the manual method is less than 2%, which meets the design requirements of the data acquisition precision. The problem provides a reference for the automatic acquisition of potted crop related data during the process of breeding / seed selection.
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