发布时间:2018-07-20 22:08
【摘要】:残膜土壤湿润过程将直接影响到土壤中的水分分布及有效性。应用四元二次正交旋转组合试验,通过回归分析和显著性检验,得到了土壤湿润锋运行时间、土壤含水率和土壤入渗水量与土壤初始含水率、土壤干容重、残膜含量、残膜埋深的相关关系。本文在大量查阅相关资料基础上,经过残膜土壤入渗影响因素分析并经过筛选得出四因子对残膜入渗影响最大;在此基础上,利用四元二次正交旋转组合试验并进行了扰动土室内试验研究;通过主因子分析和利用Origin做出单因素的试验结果,进行分析并利用Matlab画出三维图形,分析研究了双因素互相作用,得到主要结论如下:(1)初始含水率、土壤干容重和残膜含量是残膜土壤入渗湿润锋运移时间、土壤含水率和土壤累积入渗水量的主要因素,而残膜埋深对其三因素影响不明显。对湿润锋运移时间因素影响大小顺序为:初始含水率土壤干容重残膜含量;对初始含水率和土壤入渗水量因素影响大小顺序为:土壤干容重土壤初始含水率残膜含量。(2)湿润锋运行时间、土壤含水率和土壤入渗水量随初始含水率的增加而减小,与初始含水率呈负相关。湿润锋运移时间随土壤干容重增加而增加,呈正相关;土壤含水率和土壤入渗水量随着土壤干容重的增加而减小,与之负正相关。湿润锋运移时间随残膜量的增加而增加,呈正相关;土壤含水率和土壤入渗水量随着土壤残膜量的增加是先增加后减小的趋势。土壤含水率与土壤残膜含量呈抛物线关系,当残膜量在50kg/hm2到100 kg/hm2之间时,土壤含水率达到最大,而残膜量大于100kg/hm2或小于50 kg/hm2时,土壤含水率会随残膜量的增加或减小而减小;土壤入渗水量与土壤残膜含量呈抛物线关系,残膜含量为79kg/hm2时,土壤含水率达到最大,而残膜量大于或小于79kg/hm2,土壤含水率会随残膜量的增加或减小而减小。(3)交互响应分析表明:当土壤干容重较小时,随着残膜量的增加,湿润锋运移时间将增长;当土壤干容重较大时,随着残膜量的增加,湿润锋运移时间反而减小;当残膜量较小时,随着土壤容重的增加,湿润锋运移时间增大;当残膜量较大时,随着土壤容重的增加,湿润锋运移时间趋于稳定。当土壤初始含水率较大时,土壤入渗水量呈增大趋势;当土壤初始含水率较小时,土壤入渗水量随土壤残膜量的增大呈先增加后减小的趋势;而当土壤残膜量较小时,土壤入渗水量随土壤初始含水率的增加呈现减小的趋势;当土壤残膜量较大时,土壤入渗水量随初始含水率的增加先减小后增。
[Abstract]:The soil moisture content and the amount of water in the soil decreased with the increase of the soil dry weight and the residual membrane content was higher than that of the soil residual membrane . ( 3 ) The interaction response analysis shows that when the soil dry weight is small , the wetting front migration time will increase with the increase of the residual membrane quantity . When the amount of residual membrane is large , the wetting front movement time is increased . When the initial water content of the soil is large , the soil infiltration quantity increases with the increase of the soil residual membrane quantity . When the soil residual membrane quantity is large , the soil infiltration quantity increases with the increase of the initial water content of the soil . When the amount of the soil residual membrane is large , the soil infiltration quantity decreases with the increase of the initial water content .
[Abstract]:The soil moisture content and the amount of water in the soil decreased with the increase of the soil dry weight and the residual membrane content was higher than that of the soil residual membrane . ( 3 ) The interaction response analysis shows that when the soil dry weight is small , the wetting front migration time will increase with the increase of the residual membrane quantity . When the amount of residual membrane is large , the wetting front movement time is increased . When the initial water content of the soil is large , the soil infiltration quantity increases with the increase of the soil residual membrane quantity . When the soil residual membrane quantity is large , the soil infiltration quantity increases with the increase of the initial water content of the soil . When the amount of the soil residual membrane is large , the soil infiltration quantity decreases with the increase of the initial water content .
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