[Abstract]:The new soil mass is the growth substrate of vegetation restoration in polluted sites of industrial and mining enterprises, which is formed by using mineralized garbage and mining and disposing of abandoned slag in quarries. In order to improve the water holding capacity of new soil and to remove the restriction of soil moisture on plant survival and growth under difficult site conditions such as abandoned slag field and tailings reservoir, this experiment compacted the new soil with different degrees of mechanical compaction. The soil moisture content of 10~100cm was observed for 2 years, and the dynamic characteristics of soil moisture were analyzed on different time scales. The results show that the water content and water holding capacity of new soil are significantly improved by compaction. 2) the peak value of monthly average water content in heavy compaction area lags behind the peak of monthly precipitation due to the increase of water holding capacity. The peak of monthly average water content was the same as the peak time of monthly precipitation in the control and mild compaction areas (3. 3) there was a nonlinear correlation between monthly average water content and precipitation in different depth of soil in mild compaction area. There is no significant correlation between the water content of the lower layer and the precipitation in the heavy compaction area) the new soil water content in the rainy season is determined by the water content before the rain and the rainfall, and the determining coefficient is 0.657 ~ (0.861). With the increase of compaction degree, the effect of water content and rainfall before rainfall increased by 5. 5) with the increase of soil depth, the fluctuation range of soil water content decreased to 60 ~ 100 cm soil layer only received one rainfall recharge during the observation period.
【作者单位】: 轻工业环境保护研究所;北京林业大学水土保持学院;
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