[Abstract]:Climate model driven crop model is the main means of climate change impact assessment. However, the structural differences between the single climate model and the crop model make the results uncertain. The probabilistic prediction of multi-mode sets can effectively reduce the uncertainty of the research results. Therefore, based on the historical meteorological data and corn crop data from Helen, Changling and Benxi agricultural meteorological stations in Northeast China from 1981 to 2009, the crop statistical models were established and the applicability of APSIM mechanism model in the study area was verified. On this basis, combined with eight global models of CMIP5 under RCP4.5 scenario, the possible impacts of climate change on maize yield in the future period 2010-2039 and 2040-2069 are evaluated based on multi-model set (compared with the baseline period 1976-2005). The results showed that APSIM model could simulate maize growth and yield formation. The simulation error of maize growth period was 3 ~ 4 days, and the RMSE of yield was 0.60.8 t ~ (-1) hm ~ (-2). The established yield statistical model showed that the temperature increase of maize seedling stage (mid-May) had a positive effect on the yield increase, while the temperature and precipitation increased from flowering to maturity stage (from mid-July to early September). The lack of light was not conducive to the increase of yield. Compared with the base period of 1976-2005, the maize yield decreased by 3.8% (Helen) and 7.4% (Benxi) in 2010-2039 under the influence of climatic factors, and the probability of reduction was 64% (Changling), 73% (Benxi), 6.4% (Helen) 10.5% (Benxi) and 74% (Helen) 83% (Benxi) in the period of 2040-2069. In the future period 2010-2039 and 2040-2069, the yield reduction based on mechanism model simulation was 6.6% (Helen), 8.9% (Benxi) and 9.7% (Helen), 13.7% (Benxi), respectively, which was higher than that of 0.9% (Helen) / 6.0% (Benxi) and 0.9% (Helen) / 6.0% (Benxi), respectively, in the future period of 2010-2039 and 2040-2069, respectively. The yield of 2.0% (Changling) and 7.3% (Benxi) was decreased.
【作者单位】: 中国气象科学研究院;上海市气象科学研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41505097) 公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201406026)资助~~
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