[Abstract]:Soil water is an important material basis for plant growth and survival. The study of forest soil water is of great significance to soil and water conservation, ecological protection and forestry management. The difference of forest vegetation types leads to the difference of soil bulk density, soil organic carbon amount, water stable aggregate, soil water saturation conductivity and so on. This study took the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Zhejiang Fengyang Mountain National Nature Reserve, the mixed forest of needle and broad-leaved forest, bamboo forest and tea garden as the research object. Through field investigation, simulation experiment, fixed observation, indoor analysis and so on, the paper studied the root perforation, soil characteristic factor and section structure of the tree. In the course of the study, in order to characterize the change characteristics of soil moisture content and the effect of tree root on the priority flow, the "time index of soil moisture content change", "soil water content change amplitude index", "root penetration ratio of fine root", "relative osmosis area of root system" and "root" were defined. The results are as follows: (1) the vegetation types have significant influence on soil properties and fine root biomass. With the increase of soil depth, the soil bulk density of 4 types of soil is on the rise, and the total organic carbon in soil decreases. The soil capillary porosity increases with the soil depth in the evergreen broad-leaved forest and the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest. The porosity of soil capillary in the bamboo forest and the tea garden was not significant. The soil non capillary porosity increased after the evergreen broad-leaved Lin Xian descended, and increased in the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and bamboo forest, and decreased in the tea garden; the evergreen broad-leaved forest, the mixed forest and bamboo forest of the broad-leaved forest and the bamboo forest showed a declining trend in the tea garden. The content of large soil aggregate in the evergreen broad-leaved forest decreased first and then decreased in the coniferous broad-leaved forest. There was no significant difference between the bamboo forest and the tea garden. The soil medium aggregate content increased first in the evergreen broad-leaved forest and bamboo forest, and then increased in the coniferous broad-leaved forest and the tea garden. The soil small water stability was reduced. The aggregate content increased first in evergreen broad-leaved forest and tea garden, and increased gradually in the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, but remained unchanged in the bamboo forest. The main influencing factors of the composition structure of water stable aggregates were soil total organic carbon, non capillary porosity, and fine root biomass. With the increase of soil depth, the soil saturated water conductivity was evergreen broad-leaved. There is an upward trend in the forest and bamboo forest, but in the tea garden, the difference is not significant, but in the tea garden, the soil saturated water stability aggregate and the medium water stable aggregate have great influence on the soil saturated water conductivity, and the proportion of the influence degree is 5, respectively. In 1.2%, 17%, 10.6%. (2) evergreen broad-leaved forests, soil moisture content in soil layer 0-10cm and 10-20cm is close, but lower than that in 20-30cm soil layer; the soil water content of soil layer is close to that of the mixed forest and bamboo forest. The water content of the soil layer in the tea garden is similar to that of the evergreen broad-leaved forest, but the water content of different soil layers in the tea garden is significant. In 2014, 2015, 2016, 4 plants were planted. The maximum water content of each soil layer appeared in the spring and summer season of 5-8 months, while the minimum water content of each soil layer appeared in the winter from November to January of the following year. The rainfall has a leading role in the change of soil moisture content, and the rainfall time is the most important positive effect factor affecting the time index of soil water content, "soil water content" The path coefficient between the rate of change time index and the rainfall time is 0.699, and the total rainfall is the most important negative effect factor affecting the change amplitude index of soil water content, and the path coefficient between the change amplitude index of soil moisture content and the total rainfall is 0.549, in addition, the above index increases with the increase of soil temperature. (3) (3) with the increase of rainfall intensity, the priority flow generated by the section, the priority flow generated by the dry root, and the priority flow generated by the fine roots of the 1mm and the 2mm root diameter increase gradually, and the increase is increased. The preferential flow generated by the root and the preferential flow generated by the 1mm and the root diameter of 2mm are greatly different, especially when the rainfall intensity is 240mm h~ (-1), the priority flow generated by the 10cm soil layer via the section, and the priority flow generated by the root diameter of the 1mm and the 2mm root diameter are obviously greater than 20cm and 30cm. Under the same rainfall intensity, compared with the 30cm soil layer, the difference between the preferential flow produced by the 10cm soil layer and the priority flow generated by the dry root can reach 10 times respectively. The difference of the priority flow produced by the fine root diameter of the 1mm and the 2mm root is 70 and 20 times respectively. The regularity is different. The rainfall intensity is 150 mm h~ (-1), 200 mm h~ (-1) and 240 mm h~ (-1), and there is a significant difference in the root penetration ratio of the 10 cm soil layer, the 1mm root and the root root penetration ratio of 2mm fine root, and the difference of the root penetration ratio of the different types of root roots is not significant, and the rainfall intensity is 100, 150, 200, respectively. Under the conditions of mm h~ (-1) and 240 mm h~ (-1), the difference of the relative permeation area of each root system is mainly reflected in the 10 cm soil layer, and the relative permeability area of the root system is not significant in the rest of the soil layer. Under the condition of the rainfall intensity of 150 mm h~ (-1), 200 mm h~, and 240 Now 10 cm soil layer. After analyzing the structural equilibrium equation model of "root penetration ratio" and "root penetration influence index", it is found that all factors can explain the 73.2% "root penetration influence index", in which the rainfall intensity and "root penetration ratio" have significant direct positive effects on the "root permeability influence index". (4) Under the conditions of artificial rainfall and natural rainfall, the phenomenon that the flow of soil priority flow is gradually reduced or even stopped is found. This study defines it as "soil embolism", referred to as "soil embolus", which is called "soil embolism elimination", referred to as "soil suppository elimination". With the extension of time, the total amount of soil preferential flow generated by the fine roots is gradually decreasing; the number of fine roots producing priority flow presents a downward trend in general; although the number of fine roots that produces the priority flow is generally decreasing, the fine roots that produce a partial first flow of flow will no longer produce an advantage over each observation. "Soil embolism" and "soil embolism elimination" occurred in the process of preferential flow generated by soil profiles, dry roots, 1mm and 2mm fine roots in the simulated rainfall conditions. Under the condition of rainfall intensity, soil embolism can be eliminated more easily under the condition of greater rainfall intensity.
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