[Abstract]:In order to find out the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of NO_3~--N in leaching water and the effects of nitrogen application rate and irrigation quota on NO_3~--N leaching, a safe and effective water nitrogen operation model was established. The design of split area was adopted, the main area was irrigation quota, and three levels were set up, which were 525 (W1) -750m (W2) -975 (W3) MN 3 / hmmng ~ (2). There were 5 levels of nitrogen application in the secondary area, which were 0 (N0) 80 (N1), 160 (N2), 240 (N3), 320 (N4) kg / hmmc20 (N4), respectively. Under each irrigation quota, there were 5 kinds of nitrogen application treatments, 15 treatments. Field trials were carried out in 2014-2015 for 2 years. Water and soil samples were collected by porous PVC method and soil drill method. The concentration of NO_3~--N in leaching water was determined and the amount of NO_3~--N leaching was calculated. The results showed that the average increase of NO_3~--N concentration in two years under W1 level was much lower than that in W2 and W3 levels with the increase of nitrogen application rate, compared with the NO_3~--N concentration before and after the first irrigation. With the increase of irrigation quota, the average increase of NO_3~--N concentration at N _ 1N _ 2 level was much lower than that at N _ 3N _ 4 level. Compared with the treatments with 0-40cm buried depth, the NO_3~--N concentration of each treatment with 40-80cm depth decreased as a whole, but the variation trend of NO_3~--N concentration in leaching water during the whole growth period was consistent with that in the 0-40cm buried depth of .80-120cm, and the amount of nitrogen applied was the same. The effect of irrigation quota and their interaction on NO_3~--N leaching was very significant. When the irrigation quota was fixed, the leaching loss of NO_3~--N in 2014 and 2015 increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, and the leaching loss rate decreased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, and the N leaching loss and leaching loss rate increased with the increase of irrigation quota. In view of the need for sufficient NO_3~--N in the root layer to be absorbed by crops, and to ensure that the pollution of groundwater caused by NO_3~--N leaching is within a controllable and safe range, W2N3 is recommended as a suitable model for local water and nitrogen operation.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院;
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