[Abstract]:Walnut is a characteristic agricultural product in Shanxi Province, with an area of 400000 hectares. Walnut green peel is a thick green peel of walnut. Its main components are naphthoquinone and its glycosides, flavonoids and its glycosides, diaryl heptane, terpenes, organic acids and a series of compounds. Walnut green peel has allelopathic effect, which can inhibit nitrogen nitrification in soil and reduce N _ 2O emission. In addition, the application of walnut green peel into soil as organic matter can increase the content of soil organic matter. In this paper, simulated soil culture test was used to compare the effect of inhibition of nitrogen nitrification between walnut green peel and dicyandiamide (DCD) and azadirachta powder. The inhibition mechanism of nitrification on walnut green peel in enzymology and microbiology was discussed in order to provide scientific basis for walnut green skin as a biological nitrification inhibitor. The results showed that the content of NO3--N and the content of NH4-N in the soil were significantly decreased and increased by adding the green peel of walnut to the soil with the application of 1: 1 walnut green peel in the process of soil transformation. Adding 0.5 g/kg and 1 g/kg of walnut green peel decreased the content of NO3--N by 46.26% and 57.89%, respectively, and increased the content of NH4-N by 370.05% and 406.46%, respectively. Walnut green peel could inhibit urease activity, increase nitrate reductase activity and nitrite reductase activity in soil. Compared with the control, urease activity decreased by 9.04% and 15.73%, nitrate reductase activity increased 20.30% and 73.81%, nitrite reductase activity increased 12.37% and 40.82%, respectively. When the amount of walnut green peel was 1 g/kg, the effect was obvious. 2. Both walnut green peel DCD and azadirachta powder could inhibit the oxidation of NH4 -N to NO3--N, decrease the NO3--N content and increase NH4 N content during soil transformation. Compared with the control, the content of NO3--N decreased by 58.50% and the content of NH _ 4-N increased by 428.57 ~ 814.28% and 289.10% respectively. Both DCD and azadirachta powder could inhibit urease activity and increase nitrate reductase activity and nitrite reductase activity in soil. Compared with the control, the urease activity decreased by 2.83% and 8.34%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the treatments. The activity of nitrate reductase increased 25.79% and 17.07%, respectively, and the activity of nitrite reductase increased 32.10% 53.91% and 26.32%, respectively. The inhibitory effect of DCD powder of walnut peel. 3. 3 walnut peel DCD and Melia azedarach powder can inhibit ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in soil and promote the reproduction of denitrifying bacteria. At the beginning of the experiment, there were significant differences among the treatments, and the effect of DCD on pecan peel azadirachta powder was 93.15% and 91.71% lower than that of the control, respectively, and the denitrifying bacteria increased by 673.33 1040.72% and 464.44%, respectively, but there was no significant difference between the two treatments in the later stage of culture.
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