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发布时间:2018-08-10 18:45
[Abstract]:In 2016, when "Internet agriculture" is promoted in an all-round way, realizing the modernization of agriculture is once again put to the key position by the first document of the Central Committee, and the process of agricultural modernization enters a new period. The agricultural modernization in the new period needs to rely on the innovation of agricultural science and technology, the improvement of farmers' quality, the integration of agricultural industry and, more importantly, the new path of big data and Internet of things brought by the Internet of things. Based on the analysis of the way to realize the agricultural modernization in the new period, this paper obtains the important role of the financial support to realize the agricultural modernization in the new period, and finds out the contradiction of the financial support path of the agricultural modernization in the current period. Finally, the paper puts forward the suggestion of innovating the financial support path of agricultural modernization in the new period.
【作者单位】: 四川财经职业学院;


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