[Abstract]:The physiological characteristics of Aries chinensis population under different N addition levels of 0 (CK) 2.5 (N2.5) (N2.5) and 10 (N10) g N m ~ (-2) year-1) were studied on the basis of (Bothriochloa ischaemum), a dominant species of grassland and a new species in the Loess Plateau. The artificial rainfall in runoff plot was simulated as the basic research method, and the physiological characteristics of Aries chinensis population were studied at different N levels of 0 (CK) 2.5 (N2.5) and 10 (N10) g N m-2). Physical and chemical properties of soil and effects of soil erosion. The main conclusions were as follows: the density, plant height and biomass of Aegilops chinensis population were significantly increased with the addition of: n, and the biomass reached the maximum under N _ 5 treatment, which changed the allocation strategy of the biomass, and the ratio of root to shoot decreased with the increase of N addition. The supportant functional balance hypothesis that the addition of N was beneficial to the reproductive development of Aries chinensis, improved its reproductive competitive ability, promoted the tiller per plant effectively, and increased the number and the maximum number of subtillers per plant under the diameter of .N2.5 per plant. Then it decreases with the increase of N addition. The increase of sexual reproductive branch per plant and the ratio of feeding to propagation decreased with the increase of N addition, which indicated that the growth and development rate of individuals of Amur chinensis decreased gradually when N 2.5 level was higher than that of N 2. 5. Moderate N deposition or N addition (5 g N m ~ (-2) year-1) promoted the growth and development of Leymus chinensis population, which was beneficial to the soil and water conservation and other ecological functions of Aegilops chinensis population. The soil pH value and organic matter content decreased with the increase of N addition. Soil total nitrogen and available nitrogen increased with the increase of N addition, but there was no obvious change trend of soil total phosphorus. Under the N addition level and the treatment time, the physical and chemical properties of the soil did not change significantly. The N addition could effectively reduce the runoff and sediment yield in the population area of Amur chinensis, but there was no significant difference in the benefit of reducing the flow and sediment among the N addition gradients. The benefit of sediment reduction was between 83-95%. The benefit of sediment reduction was significantly higher than that of flow reduction. The addition of N changed the plant height, density, biomass and root length density of Amur chinensis population by affecting the physiological and ecological characteristics of the population. The soil and water conservation function is affected by the root surface area density.
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