[Abstract]:With the rapid development of large-scale animal husbandry in Xinjiang, livestock and poultry manure has caused serious environmental pollution in Xinjiang, and has gradually become a restrictive factor for the sustainable and healthy development of animal husbandry. Composting is an important way to realize the reduction, harmless and resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure. However, the large compaction, poor permeability and inhomogeneity of the traditional compost lead to great variation of heat transfer and mass transfer rate in the heap space. The temperature, humidity, oxygen concentration and other state variables related to heat and mass transfer of the reactor have large spatial gradient, which is not conducive to improving composting efficiency and composting product quality. Therefore, efficient composting agents are urgently needed to improve the heat and mass transfer performance of composting process. In this experiment, the effects of adding wood vinegar on the structure, thermal conductivity, space variation of temperature and humidity field and diffusion of oxygen content in cow dung compost were studied systematically. In the process of composting, the effects of adding wood vinegar on the spatial variation of state variables of heat and mass transfer of compost were grasped, and the research results could be used to regulate the state variables of heat and mass transfer in the process of composting of cow dung. The improvement of composting process conditions and the utilization of compost products provide a new technical approach. The main results are as follows: (1) the effects of adding wood vinegar on volume density, thermal conductivity, temperature and humidity field and oxygen diffusion during composting were studied by aerobic composting with cow dung. Compared with the traditional compost, the addition of wood vinegar liquid can reduce the bulk density of the reactor, which is beneficial to the heat, oxygen diffusion and water penetration, increase the thermal conductivity of the reactor space and accelerate the heating rate of the reactor. It is helpful to accelerate the heat balance of the whole composting system, to increase the oxygen diffusion capacity of the compost, and to improve the quality of compost products. (2) the internal relationship between the heat and mass transfer variables in the composting process is studied. According to the curve fitting, it is found that the variation of space temperature difference with thermal conductivity in composting process accords with the function of cubic equation, and the thermal conductivity of reactor has a significant effect on the space temperature difference of reactor. The increase of thermal conductivity is beneficial to the reduction of the space temperature difference, and the change of bulk humidity with bulk density in composting process accords with the cubic equation function, and the bulk density has a significant effect on the dynamic change of bulk humidity and decreases in bulk density. The effect of water seepage on the reactor is enhanced, which is helpful to reduce the difference of space humidity, and the oxygen content in the reactor is easy to diffuse with the decrease of bulk density. It is helpful to promote the uniformity of oxygen distribution in the reactor space. (3) the heat and mass transfer effect of wood vinegar added with compost is evaluated by analytic hierarchy process. Finally, the heat and mass transfer effect of wood vinegar solution with 2.9% concentration is the best. The second was 1.7% wood vinegar treatment, the second was 0.5% wood vinegar treatment, and the last was the control treatment.
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