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发布时间:2018-08-19 07:09
【摘要】:土壤盐渍化已经成为世界性的资源问题和环境问题。全世界拥有超过25%的盐渍土,我国有80%左右的盐渍土尚未得到开发,因此,合理开发利用这一土地资源有着巨大的潜力和经济价值,系统揭示植物的耐盐机制及盐渍土的生物学修复过程对促进盐渍化土壤的可持续利用具有重要意义。本文以河北秦皇岛盐渍化土壤区为研究区域,以种植5年的10种典型耐盐植物(柽柳、西伯利亚白刺、沙枣、刺槐、榆树、盐地碱蓬、盐角草、獐茅、盐蒿、芨芨草)为研究对象分析了耐盐植物对盐渍化土壤理化性质、营养成分、微生物数量和酶活性均的影响,得到的主要结果如下:1.土壤理化性质的变化。种植耐盐植物5年后,土壤机械组成得到改善、土壤水分含量增加;土壤容重、p H值以及含盐量显著降低。与对照组(裸地)相比,降低盐渍化土壤容重能力最强的耐盐植物为盐蒿;降低盐渍化土壤p H值和含盐量能力最强的耐盐植物为柽柳;改善盐渍化土壤机械组成能力最强的耐盐植物为盐蒿、盐地碱蓬和榆树;而提高盐渍化土壤湿度能力最强的耐盐植物为盐蒿。2.土壤养分含量的变化。种植耐盐植物5年后,盐渍化土壤中的有机质、全氮含量、有效磷和速效钾含量均有所提高。与对照组试验(裸地)相比,提高盐渍化土壤有机质含量能力最强的耐盐植物为西伯利亚白刺;提高盐渍化土壤全氮含量、有效磷含量和速效钾含量能力最强的耐盐植物均为刺槐。3.土壤酶活性的变化。种植耐盐植物5年后,盐渍化土壤纤维素酶、脲酶和脱氢酶活性增强。与对照组试验(裸地)相比,提高盐渍化土壤纤维素酶活性能力最强的耐盐植物为草本植物盐地碱蓬;提高盐渍化土壤脲酶活性能力最强的耐盐植物为草本植物獐茅;提高盐渍化土壤脱氢酶活性能力最强的耐盐植物为草本植物盐角草。4.土壤微生物数量的变化。种植耐盐植物5年后,盐渍化土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌的数量都明显增加。与对照组试验(裸地)相比,提高盐渍化土壤细菌数量能力最强的耐盐植物为草本植物盐蒿;提高盐渍化土壤真菌数量能力最强的耐盐植物为木本植物柽柳;提高盐渍化土壤放线菌数量能力最强的耐盐植物也为木本植物柽柳。
[Abstract]:Soil salinization has become a worldwide resource and environmental problem. There are more than 25% salinized soil in the world, and about 80% of salinized soil in China have not been developed. Therefore, the rational exploitation and utilization of this land resource has great potential and economic value. It is important to reveal systematically the mechanism of plant salt tolerance and the process of biological remediation of salinized soil to promote the sustainable utilization of salinized soil. In this paper, 10 typical salt-tolerant plants (Tamarix chinensis, Siberian Spurs, Zizyphus jujuba, Robinia pseudoacacia, elm, Suaeda salsa, Salina salsa, Artemisia artemisia) were planted in the salinized soil area of Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. Achnatherum splendens) was used to analyze the effects of salt-tolerant plants on the physical and chemical properties, nutrient composition, microbial quantity and enzyme activity of salinized soil. The main results were as follows: 1. The change of soil physical and chemical properties. After 5 years of planting salt-tolerant plants, soil mechanical composition was improved, soil moisture content increased, soil bulk density pH value and salt content decreased significantly. Compared with the control (bare land), the salt-tolerant plant with the strongest capacity of reducing the bulk density of salinized soil was Artemisia salinarum, and the salt-tolerant plant with the strongest salinization soil pH value and salinity capacity was Tamarix chinensis. Artemisia salsa, Suaeda salsa and elm were the most salt-tolerant plants to improve the mechanical composition of salinized soil, while the salt-tolerant plants with the strongest ability to improve the soil humidity were Artemisia salsa. The change of soil nutrient content. The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in salinized soil increased after 5 years of planting saline-tolerant plants. Compared with the control group (bare land), the saline-tolerant plant with the strongest ability to increase organic matter content in salinized soil was Spura Siberia, and the total nitrogen content in salinized soil was increased. The salt-tolerant plants with the highest available phosphorus content and available potassium content were Robinia pseudoacacia. The change of soil enzyme activity. The activities of cellulase, urease and dehydrogenase in salinized soil increased after 5 years of planting saline-tolerant plants. Compared with the control group, the salt-tolerant plant with the highest cellulase activity in salinized soil was Suaeda salsa, and the salt-tolerant plant with the highest urease activity in salinized soil was the herbaceous roe, and the salt-tolerant plant had the highest urease activity in salinized soil. The salt-tolerant plant with the highest activity of dehydrogenase in salinized soil was the herbaceous plant. Changes in the number of soil microorganisms. After 5 years of planting saline-tolerant plants, the number of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in salinized soil increased significantly. Compared with the control group, the salt-tolerant plant with the strongest ability to increase the number of bacteria in the salinized soil was Artemisia Salina, and the salt-tolerant plant with the strongest ability to increase the number of fungi in the salinized soil was Tamarix chinensis. The salt-tolerant plant with the strongest ability to increase the quantity of actinomycetes in salinized soil is also the woody plant Tamarix chinensis.


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