[Abstract]:Xinjiang is located in arid area and water resources are short. Drip irrigation under film is widely used in Xinjiang agricultural production as an effective water-saving irrigation technology. However, Xinjiang is also an area where salinization occurs generally. After adopting drip irrigation technology, the process of salt washing in traditional irrigation disappears, and the salinity of irrigation water in this area is high, which has a certain supplementary effect on soil salinity. Therefore, although drip irrigation technology has obvious effect on saving water and increasing yield, long-term drip irrigation may lead to soil salt accumulation and reduce soil quality. By monitoring the soil salt content in a long-term drip irrigation field with an area of about 224 km2 for 15 years, the changes of soil salt content under long-term drip irrigation were studied. The results can provide scientific basis for soil salt management under film drip irrigation. Taking the 147th regiment farmland of the eighth Division of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps in the Manas River Basin in the north of Xinjiang as the research object, the paper collected the analysis data of salt and nutrient index of cultivated land recorded from 1996 to 2010 in Xinjiang production and Construction Corps. Based on statistical knowledge and geographic information system (GIS), the characteristics of salt variation in soil tillage layer and the correlation between salt content of soil tilling layer and other soil indexes under different drip irrigation years were studied. The results showed that: (1) during the first 3-year period of drip irrigation, the average salt content of soil tilling layer decreased from 3.13 g kg-1 to 3.00 g kg-1, a decrease of 4.2g 路kg -1, but after 12 years of drip irrigation, The salt content of the topsoil increased from 3.13 g / kg-1 to 4.81 g / kg ~ (-1), and (2) during the five monitoring periods (15 years), the salt content of the soil increased significantly. In the study area, the salt content in the cultivated layer was concentrated at 4 ~ 10 g 路kg ~ (-1), and the soil tilling layer was mostly medium salinized soil and heavy salinized soil. (3) Long-term drip irrigation under film resulted in the redistribution of salt in the soil tillage layer. The distribution of salt content in the whole cluster was close to normal distribution. Under the condition of this study, long-term drip irrigation under film will lead to the accumulation of salt in the soil tillage layer, and the salt carried by drip irrigation water can supplement the salt content of the soil to some extent, and the salt washing and fertilizing soil should be carried out once for 2 ~ 3 years. Increasing the content of soil organic matter plays an important role in preventing the accumulation of salt in drip irrigation soil.
【作者单位】: 石河子大学农学院/新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室;新疆生产建设兵团第八师一四七团;新疆农垦科学院科技信息研究所;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0201808) 国家自然科学基金项目(31471947)资助~~
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