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发布时间:2018-08-20 11:12
【摘要】:重突天牛族Astathini隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera天牛科Cerambycidae沟胫天牛亚科Lamiinae。不少种类是农林业生产中的重要害虫,幼虫以钻蛀为害,成虫以啃食叶片为害。本论文介绍了重突天牛族的国内外分类研究概况、比较形态学研究现状以及该族昆虫的经济意义。从分类学和比较形态学两个方面开展研究,主要结果如下:1分类学研究系统整理、订正和记述了中国重突天牛族昆虫6属41种(亚种),新增了12种中文描述、12种雄性外生殖器描述以及14种雌性生殖器描述,补充了9种中文描述;拍摄了5属31种定名标本或模式标本整体图、4属14种雄性外生殖器图及4属14种雌性生殖器图。检视了模式标本5属18种(亚种),属级模式标本检视率达83%,种级模式标本检视率达44%。并整理形成了我国重突天牛族昆虫6属41种(亚种)的名录发现了1个中国新纪录种:老挝缨额天牛Momisis submonticola Breuning,1968,和1个老挝新纪录种:黄蓝眼天牛Bacchisa (Bacchisa) guerryi (Pic,1911)。2比较形态学研究属级比较形态学研究:选取了柄节形状、触角长度、前胸中瘤突的隆起程度、后胸腹板突伸至中胸基节窝的程度、鞘翅形状、腹部颜色、胫节颜色、雄性腹部第8节背板形状、阳基侧突的大小、中茎基和中茎突的长度之比、雌性腹部第8节形状、产卵杆分叉位置等92个特征,通过对中国重突天牛族5属的比较形态学研究,筛选出属级具有分类学意义的特征主要有触角柄节长度、后胸腹板突伸至中足基节窝的程度、阳基侧突的长度、端突的形状以及交配囊的形状等13个,其中触角第2节形状、雄性腹部第8节背板形状、雄性腹部第8节腹板形状、阳基侧突长度、盖长度、雌性腹部第8节形状、雌性腹部第8节骨杆长度、产卵器分叉位置、端突的大小和形状及交配囊的形状10个特征为首次用于该族分属的特征。种级比较形态学研究:选取了柄节形状、额基部是否具纵脊、前胸中瘤突的隆起程度、后胸腹板颜色、鞘翅形状、腹部腹面颜色、腿节颜色、阳基侧突形状中茎基腹面端部形状、基腹片突端部形状、端突形状等92个特征,通过对重突天牛族21种的比较形态学研究,发现在不同属内具有分类学意义的特征不完全相同,种级具有分类学意义的特征主要有触角基瘤之间是否凹陷、柄节端区背面特征、前胸中瘤突隆起程度、前胸中瘤突基部两侧是否凹入、鞘翅颜色、鞘翅被毛情况、中茎基和中茎突长度之比、中茎基腹面端部形状、阳基侧突长度、内囊端部骨针长度、端突的大小和形状等28个,其中额基部是否具纵脊、前胸中瘤突基部两侧是否凹入、鞘翅被毛情况、鞘翅长与肩宽之比、阳基侧突长度、阳基侧突长宽比、阳基侧突被毛情况、盖长度、环末端形状、中茎基腹面端部形状、中茎基与中茎突长度之比、内囊端部骨针长度、基腹片突端部形状及端突的大小和形状14个特征为首次用于该族分种的特征。比较形态学的结果也显示生殖器特征,尤其是雄性外生殖器特征在该族种间具有重要的分类学意义。眼天牛属Bacchisa种级具有分类学意义的特征有柄节形状、前胸中瘤突隆起程度、阳基侧突长度、中茎基腹面端部形状、中茎基和中茎突长度之比等17个。广翅天牛属Plaxomicrus种级具有分类学意义的特征有触角颜色、后胸腹板颜色、鞘翅颜色、腹部腹面颜色等9个。亚重突天牛属Tetraophthalmus种级具有分类学意义的特征有额基部是否具纵脊、前胸中瘤突隆起程度、阳基侧突的长度、中茎基腹面端部形状、端突的大小和形状等14个。雌雄鉴别特征:雌雄鉴别特征在不同属间基本相同,主要有触角长度:雄虫触角长于雌虫;腹部第5节(腹部可见最后1节):雄性腹部第5节较小,较平,中央不具细纵沟;雌性腹部第5节较大,端部中央微凹,中央具细纵沟。根据比较形态学研究的结果,对黄角梨眼天牛B. fortunei flavicornis和云南亚重突天牛Tetraophthalmus janthinipennis yunnanensis Breuning,1956的分类地位进行了订正,分别为梨眼天牛B. fortunei fortunei和紫翅亚重突天牛T. janthinipennisjanthinipennis的异名。同时重新编制了中国重突天牛族分属、分种检索表,补充和完善了分类描述。
[Abstract]:Astathini belongs to the subfamily Lamiinae, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera. Many species of larvae are important pests in agricultural and forestry production. The larvae are borers and the adults are leaf-eating. This paper introduces the general situation of taxonomic studies, comparative morphological studies and the present situation of this species in China and abroad. The main results are as follows: 1. Systematic study on Taxonomy and comparative morphology has been carried out to revise and record 41 species (subspecies) of 6 genera of Chinese Cephalotaxus, 12 Chinese descriptions have been added, 12 descriptions of male external genitalia and 14 descriptions of female genitalia have been added to 9 species. Five genera and 18 species (subspecies) of type specimens were inspected. The inspection rate of genus type specimens was 83% and species type specimens was 44%. A new record from China was found in the catalogue: Momisis submonticola Breuning, 1968, and a new record from Laos: Bacchisa guerryi (Pic, 1911). Ninety-two characteristics of the male abdomen, including the shape of sheath and wing, the color of abdomen, the color of tibia, the shape of the back of the eighth abdomen, the size of the lateral process of the penis, the ratio of the length of the middle stem base to the middle stem process, the shape of the eighth abdomen of the female, and the bifurcation position of the ovipositor, were studied. The taxonomic characteristics of the genus were the length of the antennal stalk segment, the extent of the posterior thoracoabdominal protrusion extending to the fossa of the midfoot basal ganglion, the length of the lateral process, the shape of the terminal process and the shape of the mating sac. Length, shape of the 8th segment of the female abdomen, length of the 8th segment of the female abdomen, bifurcation position of the ovipositor, size and shape of the terminal process, and shape of the mating sac are the 10 characteristics first used in the genus. There are 92 characteristics in the shape of basal ventral end, basal ventral end, basal ventral end, basal ventral end, and terminal end in the shape of basal lateral processes. The comparative morphological study of 21 species of Cephalopoda shows that the taxonomic characteristics of the two genera are not identical. The main characteristics of the meaning are whether the antennal basal tumors are concave or not, the dorsal surface of the stalk node area, the degree of the protuberance in the anterior chest, the concave basal part of the protuberance in the anterior chest, the color of the sheath wing, the hair of the sheath wing, the ratio of the length of the middle stem base to the middle stem process, the shape of the ventral end of the middle stem base, the length of the lateral process of the Yang base, the length of the bone needle at the end of the inner Among them, 28 were in shape, including whether the frontal base had a longitudinal ridge, whether the basal part of the midrib was concave, whether the basal part of the midrib was concave, whether the basal part of the midrib was concave, whether the basal part of the midrib was hairy, whether the sheath wing was hairy, whether the ratio of the length of the sheath wing to the width of the shoulder, whether the length of the basal lateral process, whether the basal side process was hairy, whether the cap length of the basal side process, whether The length of the bone needle, the shape of the end of the basal abdominal process, and the size and shape of the end process are the first characteristics of the family. The comparative morphological results also show that the genital characteristics, especially the male external genital characteristics, are of great taxonomic significance among the species. The taxonomic characteristics of Bacchisa species are of great significance. Seventeen were found in the shape of stalk node, the degree of protuberance in the anterior chest, the length of the lateral process in the Yang base, the ventral end shape of the middle stem base, the ratio of the length of the middle stem base to the length of the middle stem process. The taxonomic characteristics of the species were as follows: whether the frontal base had a longitudinal ridge, the degree of tumor protuberance in the anterior chest, the length of the lateral process of the male base, the shape of the ventral end of the middle stem base, the size and shape of the terminal process. The fifth segment of the male abdomen is relatively small and flat with no longitudinal groove in the center; the fifth segment of the female abdomen is larger, with a concave central end and a narrow longitudinal groove in the center. The taxonomic status of SIS Breuning, 1956, was revised as the synonyms of B. fortunei fortunei and T. janthinipennis janthinipennis, respectively.


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