[Abstract]:The method of soil potassium balance is a simple and convenient method to judge the situation of soil potassium accumulation and deficiency. It is widely used in the evaluation of potassium supply in farmland and scientific fertilization practice. From the point of view of farmland nutrient balance, this paper analyzes the calculation method of potassium balance, the characteristics of temporal and spatial variation of farmland potassium balance, the status of potassium balance in different crops and the effect of potassium balance on soil potassium content. The main advances in the study of potassium balance in farmland in China in recent years are reviewed. The results show that the balance of farmland potassium in China is deficient in general, and in the time dimension it has declined first and then increased since the founding of the people's Republic of China, but the performance of different regions is different and the variation is great. In some regions, the potassium balance of farmland shows surplus; the potassium balance of different regions and crops shows a "polarization" trend; the characteristics of nutrient absorption among crops are different, and the market prices of fertilizer and agricultural products fluctuate. These two factors together determine the difference of potassium balance between different crop types and between different years of the same crop. The results of surplus amount per unit area and spatial variation characteristics are quite different, so it is appropriate to compare the selected index system after comprehensive analysis, but not to make direct comparison, but to the time variation, The results of the studies on potassium balance and soil potassium accumulation in different crop types are basically consistent. In essence, the current soil nutrient pool is a regional planting system. The result of fertilization after many years of accumulation also determines its future development trend. In order to maintain the stability and promotion of soil potassium nutrient pool, based on the present situation of potassium balance research in China, the paper puts forward that the future of our country in nutrient balance, increase income and reduce expenditure. Emphasis should be placed on the annual study of potassium under different crop rotation and on the research directions of several technical measures to improve the potassium balance in farmland such as deeper soil stratified potassium nutrient pool and so on.
【作者单位】: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业部植物营养与养分循环重点开放实验室;
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