[Abstract]:Due to the overuse of antibiotics, a large number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes exist in the farming environment and livestock excrement. Feces returned to farming may become one of the sources of drug-resistant bacteria and genes in soil. Bacterial resistance and genes of drug resistance have become environmental and food problems that endanger human health. Vegetables are the basic food for human life, in which drug-resistant bacteria and drug-resistant genes affect human health and safety through the food chain. Non-pathogenic bacteria are receptors for drug-resistant genes. Horizontal migration of drug-resistant genes (HGT) may occur more frequently in microbial ecosystems because of the large number of donor and storage intermediates, which play an important role in the migration of drug-resistant genes. It is necessary to study the influence of antibiotic resistance genes and the transmission risk of antibiotic resistance genes, which can provide scientific basis for the formulation of control strategies of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in agricultural environment and agricultural products. Effects of fertilizers on the number and multidrug resistance phenotypes of cefotaxime (CTX), erythromycin (ERM), sulfonamide (SUL), tetracycline (TET), doxycycline (DOX) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) resistant non-pathogenic bacteria in soils and lettuce; Resistance gene pool was constructed by gene cloning, resistance gene screening and sequencing. Finally, Plasmid Extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to analyze the potential transmission risk of drug-resistant genes. The main conclusions were as follows: (1) Fertilization significantly increased the number of CTX~r, SUL~r, ERM~r, TET~r and CiP~r in soil. The number of CTX1 ~ (-1) in the fertilizer group was higher than that in the other non-pathogenic bacteria (1-2 orders of magnitude) 15 days, 30 days and 45 days after fertilization. The number of CTX1 ~ (-1) in the fertilizer group was 10-8 CFU ~ (-1), and the number of DOX ~ (-1) was the smallest, all of which were 10-5 CFU (-1). Except DOX ~ (-1), the other five Non-drug-resistant non-pathogenic bacteria in the soil were increased with the growth of lettuce. The number of pathogenic bacteria (CTX~r, SUL~r, ERM~r, TET~r, CIP~r) decreased gradually, but the effect of Fertilization on the number of CTX~r, TET~r, CIP~r and DOX~r in soil was significant at 15 and 30 days of fertilization, especially on the number of CTX~r and CIP~r. ERM~r had significant difference at 30 days of fertilization, that is, at 45 days of lettuce picking stage, fertilization only had significant effect on the number of CIP~r in soil. (2) Fertilization could increase the number of drug-resistant non-pathogenic bacteria in lettuce. Except DOX~r, there were no other 5 species in lettuce except DOX~r. With the increase of planting time, the effect of Fertilization on the number of SUL~r in soil increases gradually, and then decreases. The effect of Fertilization on the number of TET~r and CTX~r decreases gradually, but has no significant effect on the number of ERM~r. Fertilization had no significant effect on the number of drug-resistant non-pathogenic bacteria on the 15th day and 30th day. Fertilization had no significant effect on the number of drug-resistant non-pathogenic bacteria on the 45th day, that is, on the 45th day of picking period. Multidrug-resistant bacteria also existed in lettuce. (3) InI was ubiquitous in soil and lettuce, and had nothing to do with fertilization. After fertilization, the detection rate of intI, tet and sul genes in soil and lettuce increased. The detection rate of tetC in lettuce was significantly increased, followed by tetG, tetB, tetE, tetA, tetM and tetL. Fertilization had the greatest effect on the Tet gene in soil at 30 days, but had no effect on it at 45 days. (5) After fertilization, the detection rate of tetG in lettuce was significantly increased, followed by tetM, tetB. The detection rate of tetL and tetA in fertilization group was lower than that in control group, and tetC was not detected. (6) Fertilization can increase the detection rate of strains and intI genes containing multiple resistance genes in soil and lettuce, which may increase the risk of horizontal migration of resistance genes to a certain extent. (2) Fertilization can increase the detection rate of strains and intI genes containing multiple resistance genes in lettuce. 7) Application of organic manure could increase the types of multi-drug resistant bacteria in soil and lettuce, and could change the type and abundance of multi-drug resistant genomic combination in lettuce. The dominant multidrug-resistant strains were Pseudomonas sp. and Brevibacterium sp. in the control group and the fertilization group. Arthrobacter sp. (8) InI gene and sul, tet resistance gene were detected in the plasmids of the selected multidrug-resistant non-pathogenic bacteria. The detection rate of intI in medium soil and lettuce was 100%. Therefore, the risk of horizontal transmission of drug-resistant genes in soil and lettuce may exist, and further study on the characteristics of these plasmids is needed.
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