[Abstract]:Waterlogging stress is one of the important abiotic stresses in rice production, which has a serious impact on the growth and development of rice, and plays a great role in restricting the improvement of rice quality and yield. In order to investigate the effect of flooding stress on rice growth and yield structure, and to provide scientific control techniques and suggestions for rice waterlogging disaster, this study adopted a simulation experiment in 2013 to simulate rice at tillering stage and booting stage. Flood and waterlogging occurred at heading stage and milk-ripening stage. The effects of waterlogging treatment on plant height and yield at different growth stages of rice were analyzed, and the experimental data were analyzed. The following conclusions are drawn from the analysis and conclusion: 1 with the increase of the depth of flooding and the prolongation of the duration of flooding, the development period of rice will be delayed or terminated in different degrees, which will have a serious impact on the growth and development of rice. (2) there were significant differences in plant height between early rice and late rice because of the different flooding time and depth at different growth stages. The deeper the depth of flooding, the longer the duration of flooding, the greater the variation in plant height of rice plants, but each variety has a flood tolerance limit, which, once exceeded, will hinder crop growth and lead to slower growth. In severe cases, the early rice even died after flooding, and the tillering phenomenon was more obvious with the prolongation of flooding time and the deepening of flooding depth. Due to the lack of oxygen in the roots of the crops caused by flooding, the original vigor was lost, the number of black roots increased, and the proportion of white roots was relatively small. The adverse changes in the roots of rice had a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of tillers, which led to the death of the new tiller stems and even the main stems. 4 the experiment showed that the early rice was flooded at different growth stages. With the prolongation of flooding time, the yield decrease was more obvious, such as the total number of grains, grain weight, 1000-grain weight, and the percentage of empty grain increased sharply, etc. The effect of waterlogging treatment on late rice was reflected in yield and its composition. The yield of late rice was closely related to the depth of flooding treatment and the duration of flooding. With the increase of depth of flooding and the prolongation of flooding time, rice yield showed a downward trend, and the extent of decline gradually increased. Total flooding treatment for more than 5 days basic rice harvest.
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