发布时间:2018-09-03 11:44
【摘要】:为有效解决盐碱地植物根系因返盐受到胁迫以及重度退化盐碱地修复难题,利用盐碱土地"盐随水动"典型特点,从淋盐和抑盐角度开展盐碱化土壤的微域改良研究,设计了可快速淋盐的引流式双扣漏斗型防盐害保水的植物栽培系统。对不同处理措施(单形漏斗试验、双扣漏斗试验、引流式双扣漏斗试验、引流式双扣漏斗加壤内隔层试验)效果进行试验研究。结果表明:(1)采用引流式双扣漏斗加壤内隔层(处理4)降盐效果最为显著。0~20 cm土层处理4较对照组土壤含盐量自3.64%下降至0.66%,降低达5.53倍。(2)采用处理4,棉花发芽、成苗率显著提升,发芽率由对照组40.0%提升至86.0%;成苗率较对照组0%提升至82.0%。(3)不同处理措施下土壤含盐量及棉花种子发芽、成苗率对比发现,采用引流式双扣漏斗加壤内隔层可快速降低引流式双扣漏斗境内土壤盐分,显著提高棉花成苗率。研究表明,该系统可高效淋洗引流式双扣漏斗区土壤盐分,降低区内水分蒸发,阻隔区外水盐上行,防止区内土壤盐化,创造出保护根系、适宜植物生长的"小生境"。
[Abstract]:In order to effectively solve the problem of plant root system in saline-alkali land under salt stress and severe degradation of saline-alkali soil, using the typical characteristics of saline-alkali soil "salt with water", the micro-area improvement of saline-alkali soil was carried out from the perspective of salt leaching and salt inhibition. A draining double-buckle funnel plant culture system for salt control and water preservation was designed. The effects of different treatment measures (simplex funnel test, double buckle funnel test, drainage double buckle funnel test and soil interlayer test) were studied. The results were as follows: (1) the salt-reducing effect of drainage double buckle funnel plus soil interlayer (treatment 4) was the most remarkable. The salt content in soil layer of 0 ~ 20 cm decreased from 3.64% to 0.66, which was 5.53 times lower than that in control group. (2) when treated with treatment 4, cotton germinated and seedling rate increased significantly. The germination rate was increased from 40.0% in control group to 86.0% in control group, and the seedling percentage was increased to 82.0% in control group. (3) soil salt content and cotton seed germination under different treatments. The soil salt content in the drainage double buckle funnel and soil interlayer can be reduced rapidly and the cotton seedling rate can be increased significantly by using drainage double buckle funnel and soil interlayer. The results show that the system can efficiently wash and drain the salt content of the soil in the double buckle funnel area, reduce the evaporation of water in the area, prevent the salinization of the soil in the area, and create a "niche" which can protect the root system and be suitable for plant growth.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院山地灾害与地表过程重点实验室;中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所;中国科学院大学资源与环境学院;鲁东大学地理与规划学院;
[Abstract]:In order to effectively solve the problem of plant root system in saline-alkali land under salt stress and severe degradation of saline-alkali soil, using the typical characteristics of saline-alkali soil "salt with water", the micro-area improvement of saline-alkali soil was carried out from the perspective of salt leaching and salt inhibition. A draining double-buckle funnel plant culture system for salt control and water preservation was designed. The effects of different treatment measures (simplex funnel test, double buckle funnel test, drainage double buckle funnel test and soil interlayer test) were studied. The results were as follows: (1) the salt-reducing effect of drainage double buckle funnel plus soil interlayer (treatment 4) was the most remarkable. The salt content in soil layer of 0 ~ 20 cm decreased from 3.64% to 0.66, which was 5.53 times lower than that in control group. (2) when treated with treatment 4, cotton germinated and seedling rate increased significantly. The germination rate was increased from 40.0% in control group to 86.0% in control group, and the seedling percentage was increased to 82.0% in control group. (3) soil salt content and cotton seed germination under different treatments. The soil salt content in the drainage double buckle funnel and soil interlayer can be reduced rapidly and the cotton seedling rate can be increased significantly by using drainage double buckle funnel and soil interlayer. The results show that the system can efficiently wash and drain the salt content of the soil in the double buckle funnel area, reduce the evaporation of water in the area, prevent the salinization of the soil in the area, and create a "niche" which can protect the root system and be suitable for plant growth.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院山地灾害与地表过程重点实验室;中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所;中国科学院大学资源与环境学院;鲁东大学地理与规划学院;