[Abstract]:More and more measures of soil and water conservation have been put into practice with the country paying more and more attention to the work of soil and water conservation. In order to evaluate the development of soil and water conservation, it is very important to evaluate the comprehensive benefit of soil and water conservation. Therefore, the Yangkeng small watershed with serious soil and water loss in the red soil hilly region of southern China is selected as an example. Taking 2005 as the reference year, 13 evaluation indexes involving ecological benefit, economic benefit and social benefit are selected through the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In this paper, the value of individual benefits of soil and water conservation is calculated directly by using market value method, substitute market method and comparative analysis method, and three benefits and comprehensive benefit values are obtained. The results show that the total benefit of water and soil conservation in Yangkeng small watershed of Jiangxi Province in 2005 is 124.4542 million yuan after soil and water conservation management. The value of ecological benefit is 102.4065 million yuan, accounting for 82.29 yuan, and the order of individual benefit value is: water conservation benefit, atmosphere benefit, fertilizer benefit, soil conservation benefit. The value of economic benefit is 8.9413 million yuan, accounting for 7.18 yuan, and the order of single benefit value is as follows: the benefit of increasing grain yield is the benefit of fruit forest, the benefit of water conservation is the benefit of forest conservation. The social benefit value is 13.1064 million yuan, accounting for 10.53 yuan, and the order of individual benefit value is: improving the economic benefit of the masses, raising the land productivity benefit, increasing the cultivated land benefit, reducing the silt deposition benefit. The evaluation results show that the ecological benefit of soil and water conservation plays a decisive role in soil and water conservation work, which will provide an important theoretical basis for future soil and water conservation work, and will also enhance people's understanding and understanding of soil and water conservation work.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院水利部水土保持保持研究所土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室;中国科学院大学;西北农林科技大学土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室;南昌工程学院;万安县水利局;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划专题计划(2016YFC0501707) 中国科学院西部之光项目;中国科学院青年创新促进会(2011289)
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