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发布时间:2018-09-04 19:36
[Abstract]:Soil quality is the most direct response of soil productivity and the most sensitive index to reveal the dynamics of soil conditions. It can reflect the influence of human activities on soil environment. In recent years, due to the continuous growth of population and the rapid development of economy, the increasing demand for food, coupled with the degradation of land resources and the scarcity of reserve land resources, have further strained the relations between people and land in our country. Soil quality monitoring and forecasting is of great significance to alleviate the relationship between man and land to promote the rational use of land resources and to realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Artificial neural network is a mathematical model for information processing. It is called a neural network because the mathematical model uses a connective structure similar to the synapse of the brain. BP neural network is the most widely used algorithm in artificial neural networks. Taking Qianyanzhou ecological experimental field in Jiangxi province as an example, a model of soil quality evaluation and monitoring is established by combining with BP neural network, which provides a new method for soil quality monitoring. It is expected to provide a reliable scientific basis for the improvement of farmland productivity and the rational utilization of soil resources to realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Based on MATLAB toolbox, the soil quality monitoring model based on BP neural network is optimized as follows: first, expert training sample. Based on the soil nutrient classification standards of the second national soil census and the characteristics of soil nutrients in the study area, an expert sample was established, and a hundred groups of expert samples were expanded according to a certain algorithm. Based on the established expert samples, a new expert sample is established to refine the soil quality in the study area. Secondly, the trainlm algorithm is used to train the sample data and the convergence speed of the trainlm algorithm is fast. At the same time, it has the characteristics of self-learning and data momentum adjustment, and is verified in actual training, which meets the requirements of the target of error training. In this paper, according to the characteristics of soil quality simulation results evaluation grade is not greater than 1, the Sigmoid type function of sampling continuous derivation is selected, and the error of output result is compared. Finally, in the selection of hidden layer number and node number, combined with the characteristics of input data and output results, the number of nodes in and out layer is determined first. A three-layer BP network structure with seven nodes in the hidden layer is selected, and the convergence speed and error accuracy are high in the data training and simulation results. The simulation results show that the BP neural network model established in this paper is close to the expected results in soil quality monitoring and evaluation, and the accuracy of network error is high, which has certain guiding significance for the scientific management and rational utilization of soil quality.


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