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发布时间:2018-09-07 15:08
【摘要】:采用野外人工模拟降雨方法,以未防护弃渣体边坡为对照,研究了1.0、1.5 mm min-1降雨强度条件下神府矿区种草和鱼鳞坑措施对偏土质、偏石质和煤矸石弃渣体产流产沙的调控作用。结果表明:(1)不同措施下3种弃渣体边坡径流率均在产流6~9 min后趋于稳定,产流过程中弃渣体边坡侵蚀速率均呈波动减小趋势,且未防护坡面减小趋势较防护更明显。(2)植草对偏土质、偏石质、煤矸石弃渣体减水和减沙效益分别为42.91%~51.21%、26.28%~55.20%、1 0.3 3%和9 7.5 4%~9 7.9 5%、4 1.8 7%~4 2.2 6%、7.8 0%;鱼鳞坑的减水和减沙效益则分别为:51.89%~72.72%、22.37%~42.92%、21.32%和98.41%~99.30%、94.90%~91.84%、39.50%。(3)鱼鳞坑措施对偏土质弃渣体的减水和减沙效益较种草分别提高8.98%~21.51%和0.46%~1.76%;种草措施对偏石质和煤矸石弃渣体的减水和减沙效益较鱼鳞坑措施分别提高3.91%~12.28%和0.28%~3.06%及10.99%和31.70%。(4)3种未防护弃渣体的侵蚀速率和径流率呈显著线性关系,种草和鱼鳞坑措施改变了坡面水沙关系,侵蚀速率和径流率相关性减弱或无显著关系。研究结果可为矿区弃渣体边坡生态恢复措施布设提供科学指导。
[Abstract]:Using artificial rainfall simulation method in the field and taking unprotected slagging slope as control, the effects of recommended and fishscale pit measures in Shenfu mining area under 1.0 mm min-1 rainfall intensity on the yield of miscarriages and sediment from metamorphic, metamorphic and gangue slags were studied. The results show that: (1) under different measures, the runoff rate of the three kinds of slagging slope tends to be stable after 6 min of runoff, and the erosion rate of the slagging slope tends to fluctuate and decrease in the process of runoff production. And the decreasing trend of unprotected slope was more obvious than that of protection. (2) planting grass on metamorphic soil and stone, The benefits of water reduction and sediment reduction of coal gangue are 42.911and 26.2855.20, respectively, and 9.7.5- and 47.9-57.9 are involved in water reduction and sediment reduction, respectively. The benefits of water reduction and sediment reduction in fish-scale pits are respectively 21.32% and 98.41% 99.3099.30909.909.909.909 and 91.849.50m, respectively. (3) the water reduction and sediment reduction benefits of fish-scale pits are higher than those of sludges. (3) the water reduction and sediment reduction benefits of the fish-pit are higher than those of the slags of soil. (3) the water reduction and sediment reduction benefits of the fish pit are higher than those of the slags of the soil. (3) the water reduction and sediment reduction benefits of the fish pit are higher than those of the slurries. The water and sediment reduction benefits of the recommended measures on metabalite and coal gangue were increased by 3.91% 12.28% and 0.2810% and 10.99%, and 31.70%, respectively. (4) the erosion rate and runoff rate of the three kinds of unprotected slag were linearly correlated with each other. The relationship between erosion rate and runoff rate decreased or had no significant relationship. The results can provide scientific guidance for setting up ecological restoration measures of abandoned slag slope in mining area.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室;中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所;榆林学院陕西省陕北矿区生态修复重点实验室;长江科学院水土保持研究所;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划重点专项项目(YS2016YFSF030019) 国家自然科学基金项目(40771127)资助~~


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