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发布时间:2018-09-12 12:07
【摘要】:【目的】为了更加合理利用有限的磷矿资源,摸清滴灌施肥条件下水稻磷肥利用率,开展磷肥运筹对滴灌稻田土壤磷素转化、分布及磷肥利用率的影响研究,本项目旨在探讨磷肥不同基追比例滴灌稻田土壤磷素运移规律,阐明滴灌施肥条件下磷肥运筹对土壤磷素转化、分布及水稻磷肥利用率的影响,为合理施肥,提高磷肥利用率提供理论依据。【方法】试验按磷肥基追比设5个处理:CK(无磷肥)、T1全基、T2 30%基+70%滴、T3 70%基+30%滴、T 4全滴,每处理施肥总量设同等水平,氮肥(纯氮)270kg/hm2、磷肥(P2O5)90kg/hm2、钾肥(K2O)60kg/hm2,钾肥全部基施,氮肥及剩余磷肥在生育期内按比例分8次随水滴(追)施,供试水稻品种为T-04。通过调查各生育时期干物质累积动态、收获期产量构成因子及实收产量,研究磷肥运筹对水稻磷素营养及磷肥利用率的影响;通过采集不同施肥阶段、不同样点土壤样品研究磷肥运筹对土壤无机磷转化、分布的影响。【结果】1、磷肥全部基施可以显著增加滴头下方0~5cm Resin-P、Na HCO3-P含量;磷肥全部基施处理和基施30%处理随着土层的加深,滴头下方Na OH-P含量表现为骤降;基施比例小及无基施处理HCl-P含量在各土层大于其他处理,残渣-P则表现为不施磷肥处理各土层含量接近且比较稳定。2、CK处理Na OH-P、HCl-P、残渣-P含量较高,Resin-P、Na HCO3-P含量较低;T1处理Resin-P、Na HCO3-P含量较高,Na OH-P、HCl-P含量较低,T2处理残渣-P含量较高,Resin-P、Na HCO3-P、Na OH-P含量较低;T3、T4处理除T4处理HCl-P较高外,其他各组分含量均与T3处理介于CK、T1处理之间。3、施用磷肥的处理干物质产量大于不施磷肥的处理;30%基施,70%追施的施磷模式干物质产量及产量达到最大,类似趋势还表现在有效穗数、穗粒数、实粒数、结实率及千粒重上。4、30%基施,70%追施的施磷模式磷肥利用率、偏生产力、农学利用效率分别达到28.5%、89.5kg/kg、8.0743kg/kg,均大于其他处理。5、籽粒含磷量与经济产量极显著正相关,与肥料利用率、生物产量显著正相关;茎秆含磷量与经济产量、生物产量显著正相关;植株含磷量与肥料利用率、经济产量、生物产量极显著正相关相关系数,与偏生产力显著负相关,与农学利用率显著正相关。6、0~40土层Resin-P含量与籽粒含磷量、茎秆含磷量、植株吸磷量显著正相关;Na HCO3-P与0~40cm籽粒含磷量正相关,但相关性不显著,与茎秆含磷量、植株吸磷量显著正相关;Na OH-P与0~20cm籽粒含磷量、茎秆含磷量、植株吸磷量和20~40cm土壤含磷量极显著负相关。【结论】1、表明适宜的磷肥基追比模式,是获得最大产量及合理产量构成因子的一种途径。2、产量和磷肥利用效率的提高与磷素的吸收有密切的关系,高频灌溉条件下根据水稻需磷特性合理运筹,可实现磷素养分资源高效利用和产量的协同提高。3、因地制宜的采取相应的农艺措施、施肥制度及灌溉制度增加土壤中的Resin-P和Na HCO3-P含量,降低磷形态向Na OH-P转化,可增加植株对磷素的吸收利用,提高植株磷肥利用效率。
[Abstract]:[Objective] In order to utilize the limited phosphate rock resources more rationally, to find out the utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer in Rice under drip irrigation, and to study the effect of phosphorus fertilizer operation on phosphorus transformation, distribution and utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer in paddy soil under drip irrigation, this project aims to explore the phosphorus transport law in paddy soil under drip irrigation with different base-dressing ratios, and to clarify the application of phosphorus fertilizer under drip irrigation. The effects of phosphorus fertilizer application on soil phosphorus transformation, distribution and utilization rate of rice phosphorus fertilizer were studied in order to provide theoretical basis for rational fertilization and increase utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer. (pure nitrogen) 270Kg / hm2, phosphorus fertilizer (P2O5) 90kg / hm2, potassium fertilizer (K2O) 60kg / hm2, potassium fertilizer all base application, nitrogen fertilizer and residual phosphorus fertilizer in the growth period in proportion to eight times with water dropping (topdressing), the test rice varieties for T-04. By investigating the dynamics of dry matter accumulation in each growth period, yield components and yield in harvest period, study the application of phosphorus fertilizer on rice phosphorus. The effects of phosphorus fertilizer application on the transformation and distribution of inorganic phosphorus were studied by collecting soil samples at different fertilization stages. The content of Na OH-P decreased sharply under the emitter, the content of HCl-P in different soil layers was higher in base application and non-base application than in other treatments, and the content of residue-P in different soil layers was close and stable in non-phosphorus treatment. 2. The content of Na OH-P, HCl-P, residue-P, Resin-P and NaHCO_3-P in CK treatment were higher, while the content of Resin-P, NaHCO_3-P and NaHCO_3-P were lower in T1 treatment. The contents of Na OH-P and HCl-P were higher in T3 and T4 treatments than those in T3 and T1 treatments, but the contents of Resin-P, Na HCO3-P and Na OH-P were higher in T2 treatment and lower in Resin-P, Na HCO3-P and Na OH-P treatments. Similar trends were found in the effective panicles, grains per panicle, full grains, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight.4,30% basal application, 70% topdressing phosphorus fertilizer utilization rate, partial productivity, agronomic use efficiency were 28.5%, 89.5 kg/kg, 8.0743 kg/kg, higher than other treatments.5, grain phosphorus content and economic yield. There was a significant positive correlation with fertilizer utilization rate and biomass yield, a significant positive correlation between stem phosphorus content and economic yield, and a significant positive correlation between plant phosphorus content and fertilizer utilization rate, economic yield and biomass yield, and a significant negative correlation with partial productivity, and a significant positive correlation with agricultural utilization rate. The content of NaHCO 3-P was positively correlated with grain phosphorus content, stem phosphorus content and plant phosphorus uptake; NaHCO 3-P was positively correlated with 0-40 cm grain phosphorus content, but not significantly correlated with stem phosphorus content and plant phosphorus uptake; Na OH-P was negatively correlated with 0-20 cm grain phosphorus content, stem phosphorus content, plant phosphorus uptake and 20-40 cm soil phosphorus content. CONCLUSION: 1. It is suggested that the suitable P fertilizer base-dressing pattern is a way to obtain the maximum yield and reasonable yield components. 2. The increase of yield and P utilization efficiency is closely related to the absorption of phosphorus. With the same increase. 3. Adopting corresponding agronomic measures according to local conditions, fertilization system and irrigation system can increase the content of Resin-P and Na HCO3-P in soil, reduce the transformation of phosphorus form to Na OH-P, increase the absorption and utilization of phosphorus by plants, and improve the utilization efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer by plants.


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1 姚宇卿,杨波,吕军杰,王育红;化肥应用研究的回顾与展望[J];南京农专学报;2001年03期




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