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发布时间:2018-09-12 18:36
【摘要】:畜禽粪便未经处理直接排放对环境造成污染,厌氧发酵是将其资源化利用的一种重要途径,本研究以畜禽粪便为主要原料进行发酵,减少养殖废弃物排放同时有效链接农牧业,以高浓度畜禽粪便沼液为载体,根据作物对养分需求量的不同配入无机肥,研究高浓度沼液配方肥对辣椒、苦瓜及土壤性质的影响。(1)选择原猪粪尿发酵为高浓度畜禽粪便沼液,较常规猪场沼液可有效提高单位体积养分含量。高浓度畜禽粪便沼液呈微碱性,总氮15.93g/L、总磷0.98g/L、总钾6.95g/L,含活性成分腐殖酸、有机质,含中微量元素镁、钙、硫,硼、锰、铜、锌、钼、铁共0.48%,重金属铬、镉、铅、砷未超标。(2)浇灌高浓度畜禽粪便沼液配方肥可促进作物生长,延长采收期,一个生长周期总氮磷钾施用量(下同)12.15kg/亩(1亩=667 m2)时,辣椒生长性状最佳,株高、最大叶面积、果长分别较空白提高37.51%、7.25%、16.01%;施用量16.89kg/亩时,苦瓜生长性状最佳,瓜长、瓜径、肉厚分别较空白提高21.06%、7.79%、14.47%。(3)与空白相比,浇灌高浓度沼液配方肥后,辣椒叶片叶绿素含量提高16.18%-39.55%、净光合作用速率提高13.72%-28.44%、气孔导度提高8.64%-26.18%、胞间CO2浓度提高4.74%-16.51%、蒸腾速率提高17.80%-24.68%,水分利用率无明显变化;苦瓜叶片叶绿素含量提高10.98%-32.55%,净光合作用速率提高15.20%-20.16%、气孔导度提高6.98%-11.63%、胞间CO2浓度提高2.56%%-11.27%、蒸腾速率提高9.26%-22.61%、水分利用率提高8.07%-9.02%,可见高浓度沼液配方肥可提高作物光合能力。(4)浇灌高浓度沼液肥可提高作物产量等经济性状,施用量12.15kg/亩时辣椒产量最高,与施用常规无机肥比较,单株结果数提高7.21%、单株果重提高8.70%;施用量16.89kg/亩时苦瓜产量最高,小区产量提高3.86%-23.35%,而辣椒、苦瓜单果重量(单瓜重)并无明显提高,在实际农业生产中高浓度沼液配方肥可替代无机化肥施用,同时带来更多经济效益。(5)与常规无机肥比较,浇灌高浓度沼液配方肥后辣椒还原糖降低,粗蛋白提高8.63%,维生素C、硝酸盐无明显变化;苦瓜维生素C提高9.32%-18.57%,还原糖无明显变化,粗蛋白降低,硝酸盐降低11.75%-19.65%,可见施用高浓度沼液配方肥可提高辣椒粗蛋白、苦瓜维生素C含量,降低作物硝酸盐含量,对其他品质指标并无促进作用。(6)分次浇灌高浓度畜禽粪便沼液配方肥,促进作物生长性状光合性状、提高果实品质、促进作物产量同时影响土壤性质。与种植前比较,施用高浓度沼液肥后辣椒土壤pH提高0.07-0.13个pH单位,有机质提高6.80%-11.71%、碱解氮提高0.97%-24.22%、总氮提高15.15%-56.57%、速效钾提高6.06%-27.67%、有效磷提高24.22%-45.36%。苦瓜土壤pH提高0.05-0.28个pH单位有机质提高3.49%-14.17%、碱解氮提高1.68%-19.12%、总氮提高8.64%-29.63%、速效钾提高2.36%、有效磷提高2.65%-6.29%。.可见,浇灌高浓度沼液配方肥可改善土壤性质,提高土壤营养成分含量。
[Abstract]:Anaerobic fermentation is an important way to use livestock manure as the main raw material in order to reduce the discharge of livestock waste and effectively link up agriculture and animal husbandry. The effects of high concentration biogas fertilizer on capsicum, Momordica charantia and soil properties were studied by using high concentration animal manure biogas liquid as carrier and inorganic fertilizer according to different crop nutrient demand. (1) original pig manure was selected to ferment as high concentration animal and poultry manure biogas liquid. Compared with the conventional pig farm biogas liquid, the nutrient content per unit volume can be increased effectively. High concentration animal manure biogas fluid was slightly alkaline, total nitrogen 15.93 g / L, total phosphorus 0.98 g / L, total potassium 6.95 g / L, active components humic acid, organic matter, middle and microelement magnesium, calcium, sulfur, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum, iron 0.48, heavy metal chromium, cadmium, lead, (2) the formula fertilizer of high concentration animal manure biogas liquid can promote crop growth and prolong harvest period. When the total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application rate (1 mu, 667 m2) is used in one growth cycle, the growth characteristics of pepper are the best, the plant height and the maximum leaf area are the best. The fruit length was increased by 37.51% and 7.25% and 16.01%, respectively, when the amount of 16.89kg/ was applied, the growth characteristics of Momordica charantia were the best, the length, diameter and meat thickness of Momordica charantia increased by 21.06% 7.79% and 14.47% respectively compared with the blank. (3) compared with the blank, the balsam pear was irrigated with high concentration biogas liquid. Chlorophyll content in pepper leaves increased 16.18-39.55, net photosynthesis rate increased 13.72% -28.44, stomatal conductance increased 8.64-26.18, intercellular CO2 concentration increased 4.74-16.51, transpiration rate 17.80-24.68%, water use efficiency unchanged. Chlorophyll content in Momordica charantia leaves increased 10.98-32.55, net photosynthesis rate increased 15.20-20.16, stomatal conductance increased 6.98-11.63, intercellular CO2 concentration increased 2.56- 11.27, transpiration rate increased 9.26-22.61and water use efficiency increased 8.07-9.02.The result shows that high concentration biogas fertilizer can improve photosynthetic ability of crops. (4) pouring high concentration biogas liquid fertilizer can increase crop yield and other economic traits. Compared with conventional inorganic fertilizer, the yield of pepper per plant increased 7.21%, fruit weight per plant increased 8.70%, the yield of Momordica charantia was the highest, the yield of plot increased 3.86 -23.35%, and the yield of pepper increased by 3.86 -23.35 when the amount of 12.15kg/ was applied per mu, and the fruit weight per plant increased by 8.70%. The single fruit weight of Momordica charantia was not significantly increased, and the high concentration biogas fertilizer could replace inorganic fertilizer and bring more economic benefits. (5) compared with the conventional inorganic fertilizer, The reducing sugar decreased, the crude protein increased 8.63, the vitamin C and nitrate did not change, the vitamin C of Momordica charantia increased 9.32-18.57, the reducing sugar did not change, and the crude protein decreased. The application of high concentration biogas liquid formula fertilizer can increase crude protein of pepper, vitamin C content of Momordica charantia, decrease nitrate content of crops, and have no effect on other quality indexes. (6) pouring high concentration manure formula fertilizer with high concentration of livestock and poultry manure. The photosynthetic characters of crop growth traits, fruit quality, crop yield and soil properties were promoted. Compared with before planting, the pH of capsicum soil increased 0.07-0.13 pH units, organic matter increased 6.80-11.71, alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen increased 0.97-24.22, total nitrogen increased 15.15-56.57 and total nitrogen increased 15.15-56.57. available potassium increased 6.06-27.67and effective phosphorus increased 24.22-45.36. Soil pH of Momordica charantia was increased by 0.05-0.28 pH unit organic matter by 3.49-14.17, alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen by 1.68-19.12, total nitrogen by 8.64-29.63cm, available potassium by 2.36cm, available phosphorus by 2.65-6.29. It can be seen that high concentration biogas liquid fertilizer can improve soil properties and increase soil nutrient content.


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