[Abstract]:[objective] to study the important effect of tending and thinning on soil factors of artificial forest. [methods] the 12-year-old Eucalyptus urophylla plantation with four kinds of thinning intensity (CK:0%,M1:30%,M2:70%,M3:100%) in Daling Mountain Forest Farm in Dongguan was used as the research object. The changes of soil physicochemical properties, microbial and enzyme activities in winter and summer after 7 years of thinning were studied. [results] (1) the seasonal changes of soil physical and chemical properties were influenced by thinning in different degrees. In winter, thinning increased soil electrical conductivity, ammonium nitrogen, available K, exchangeable Mg and exchangeable Na contents: M 1 significantly decreased soil nitrate N 1 and M 3 stands significantly decreased soil exchangeable Ca; in summer, and thinning increased soil total N and ammonium nitrogen. There were significant seasonal differences in the effects of nitrate nitrogen and total P on soil microorganism in reducing soil exchangeable Ca. (2) thinning. The soil microbial carbon and microbial nitrogen in summer after thinning were significantly higher than those in winter, and with the increase of thinning intensity, the soil microbial carbon and microbial nitrogen in summer were significantly higher than those in winter. Soil microbial carbon and microbial nitrogen increased first and then decreased in winter and summer. (3) thinning had no significant change in soil catalase activity, but could promote the increase of soil phosphatase and urease activity, and the activity of phosphatase was higher in summer. (4) PCA showed that the responses of thinned stand and unthinned stand to soil factors were significantly different in winter and summer, and the distribution of sample plots was scattered in winter, and the M 2 and M 3 stands in summer were better clustered into one group. (4) the activity of urease was lower in winter. (4) PCA showed that the response of thinned stand to soil factor was significantly different from that of non-thinned stand in winter and summer. It is related to soil pH, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and catalase factor. [conclusion] the soil physical and chemical properties of Eucalyptus urophylla plantation after thinning are developing well. It is of great significance to maintain the balance and sustainable development of soil ecosystem.
【作者单位】: 东莞市林业科学研究所;
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