[Abstract]:Scientific and accurate estimation of crop biomass and biomass energy utilization potential is a necessary prerequisite for biomass energy development and utilization strategy. With the development of remote sensing technology, the time, space and spectral resolution of the available remote sensing data are improving, which provides a powerful data support for the estimation of crop biomass in long time span and large spatial scale. In this paper, the principle and typical application of crop biomass estimation method based on remote sensing information are analyzed and summarized, and the wheat biomass estimation method based on vegetation index (Vegetation Index) is summarized. Based on the Landsat8 image data of May 1 and April 25, 2015, and taking Lu'an City, Anhui Province as an example, the wheat biomass estimation method based on vegetation index was used to estimate wheat biomass in 2015 in Lu'an City. The potential of biomass energy utilization in wheat was estimated and analyzed. First of all, the image preprocessing and image classification of the study area are processed, and the results of the six common classification algorithms are compared and analyzed by the unsupervised classification and supervised classification. The least distance classification method with the best classification effect was selected to classify the land use in Luan city, and the classification results were post-processed to extract the wheat planting area of Luan city, and the precision of the extraction was analyzed. Then, the correlation between the measured wheat biomass data and the difference vegetation index (DVI), normalized greening index (NDGI), difference vegetation index (NDVI), green vegetation index (NDVI), and ratio vegetation index (RVI) of wheat were analyzed. The results showed that the correlation between wheat biomass was the highest, the correlation coefficient was 0.760, and the correlation coefficient of RVI, was 0.655. On the basis of this, the wheat biomass was measured on the basis of the above five planting indices, and the index was linear and logarithmic, respectively. Fitting the quadratic polynomial and power function, selecting the vegetation index and fitting type with the highest determinant coefficient, establishing the wheat biomass estimation model based on NDVI exponential estimation model. The results show that the error is only 101150 tons and the error percentage is 6.89. The spatial analysis of wheat biomass and the calculation of biomass density per unit wheat in various districts and counties of Lu'an City showed that the highest biomass and biomass density of Shouxian were 637900 tons and 213.6 tons / square kilometer, respectively. Last According to the weighted average of wheat collectible coefficient and broken coal coefficient in previous studies, the wheat collectible coefficient and the broken coal coefficient in this paper are 0.766 and 0.490, respectively. The utilization potential of these coefficients to wheat biomass energy in Liuan is obtained. For estimation and analysis, The results showed that the potential of wheat biomass energy utilization in 2015 was about 551400 tons of standard coal, accounting for 13.85% of the total energy consumption in 2015. Based on the above research, it is found that the estimation method of wheat biomass and biomass energy based on remote sensing information has certain validity and practicability, and can realize wheat biomass estimation under certain precision requirements. It can provide necessary technical support for biomass energy strategy.
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