[Abstract]:Since 1996, the commercialized planting area of GM crops has expanded rapidly, which has been discussed at home and abroad. In particular, since 2009, when China began to implement a major project on "genetically modified biotechnology" and approved the safety certificates for three varieties of rice and maize, The domestic debate on the commercialization of transgenic crops is "one after another", and there are emotional debates on some issues. This report attempts to introduce the relevant situation from an objective perspective. This report is composed of four parts: the first part is a global overview of the commercial planting of GM crops, showing the commercial cultivation of GMOs from the perspective of the whole world and specific countries; The second part is the global consumption of genetically modified crops, it can be concluded that the global acceptance of genetically modified crops is increasing; the third part is the major countries (regions) GM crops safety regulatory system, On the basis of classifying major GMO planting and consuming countries in the world, through analyzing the elements of regulatory system such as management idea (principle), regulation system, management organization, pre-market evaluation, post-marketing supervision and so on, Summarizes the regulatory characteristics of different types of countries and their impact on the commercialization of genetically modified crops. The fourth part is about the current situation of commercialization of transgenic crops in China, the problems and challenges, At present, China has become the largest consumer of genetically modified crops in the world. The rapid development of the commercialization of genetically modified crops has put China's GM crops, especially staple grain crops, in a critical period of policy choices. By analyzing the current situation of GM crops cultivation, consumption and supervision in China, this report points out the challenges that China may face in developing the commercialization of GMOs. The fifth part is the path choice of GMO crops commercialization in China.
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