发布时间:2018-10-05 11:53
【摘要】:为解决东北黑土区坡耕地水土流失严重的问题,探索不同耕作措施和施氮策略对水土流失、氮素养分流失特征的影响,于2015—2016年在黑龙江省哈尔滨市设置径流小区试验,共设9处理。处理1(T1)为裸地;处理2(T2)为荒地;处理3(T3)为优化施氮(180kg N/hm~2),顺垄;处理4(T4)为优化施氮(180kg N/hm~2),横垄;处理5(T5)为增氮施肥(210kg N/hm~2),顺垄;处理6(T6)为减氮施肥(90kg N/hm~2),顺垄;处理7(T7)为替氮施肥((180kg N/hm~2,其中30kg N为有机肥,顺垄);处理8(T8)为优化施氮(180kg N/hm~2),横垄,苜蓿—玉米间作;处理9(T9)为减氮施肥(90kg N/hm~2),顺垄,秸秆覆盖。结果表明,T1的年均产流量为151.0m~3/hm~2,与T1相比,T2、T3、T4、T5、T6、T7、T8、T9分别拦截80.9%,64.4%,83.0%,65.2%,68.0%,60.4%,93.8%,88.1%;T1的年均土壤侵蚀量为9.5t/hm~2,与T1相比,T2、T3、T4、T5、T6、T7、T8、T9分别拦截98.8%,57.3%,88.4%,60.7%,50.6%,56.6%,99.2%,94.4%;T1的年均无机氮地表径流损失为207.6g N/hm~2,与T1相比,T2、T3、T4、T5、T6、T7、T8、T9分别减少无机氮损失43.0%,24.7%,35.5%,20.0%,36.8%,20.2%,75.6%,55.9%。雪水融化径流导致坡耕地的氮素损失不容忽视。坡耕地种植玉米时,单项耕作措施防止水土流失的效果,以生物篱最好,秸秆覆盖少耕较好,横垄次之;多项综合耕作措施中,横垄耕作和生物篱结合,效果均较好。相同耕作模式不同施肥措施中,有机肥替代因地上部作物生长较差有较大的产流量;减氮处理由于较低的无机氮浓度可减少地表径流氮素损失,同时增加产沙量。地表产流量与日降雨量间存在正的线性相关性(R2为0.213 9~0.543 8),T2、T9除外;土壤侵蚀量、无机氮损失量与地表产流量有正的线性相关(R2为0.338 0~0.728 1,0.618 4~0.895 2),T1除外。年均地表产流中,硝态氮浓度与无机氮浓度之比越小,年均地表径流无机氮损失越小。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the serious problem of soil and water loss on sloping farmland in the black soil area of Northeast China, and to explore the effects of different tillage measures and nitrogen application strategies on soil erosion and nitrogen nutrient loss, a runoff plot experiment was set up in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province from 2015 to 2016. A total of 9 processing. Treatment 1 (T1) was bare land; treatment 2 (T2) was barren land; treatment 3 (T3) was optimized nitrogen application (180kg N/hm~2), along ridge; treatment 4 (T4) was optimized nitrogen application (180kg N/hm~2), cross ridge; treatment 5 (T5) was nitrogen increasing fertilizer (210kg N/hm~2); treatment 6 (T6) was nitrogen reducing fertilizer (90kg N/hm~2); Treatment 7 (T7) was treated with nitrogen fertilizer (180kg N / hmm2, where 30kg N was organic fertilizer, along ridge), treatment 8 (T8) was optimized nitrogen application (180kg N/hm~2), cross ridge, alfalfa and maize intercropping, treatment 9 (T9) was nitrogen reducing fertilization (90kg N/hm~2), along ridge and straw mulch. 缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑,T1鐨勫勾鍧囦骇娴侀噺涓,
[Abstract]:In order to solve the serious problem of soil and water loss on sloping farmland in the black soil area of Northeast China, and to explore the effects of different tillage measures and nitrogen application strategies on soil erosion and nitrogen nutrient loss, a runoff plot experiment was set up in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province from 2015 to 2016. A total of 9 processing. Treatment 1 (T1) was bare land; treatment 2 (T2) was barren land; treatment 3 (T3) was optimized nitrogen application (180kg N/hm~2), along ridge; treatment 4 (T4) was optimized nitrogen application (180kg N/hm~2), cross ridge; treatment 5 (T5) was nitrogen increasing fertilizer (210kg N/hm~2); treatment 6 (T6) was nitrogen reducing fertilizer (90kg N/hm~2); Treatment 7 (T7) was treated with nitrogen fertilizer (180kg N / hmm2, where 30kg N was organic fertilizer, along ridge), treatment 8 (T8) was optimized nitrogen application (180kg N/hm~2), cross ridge, alfalfa and maize intercropping, treatment 9 (T9) was nitrogen reducing fertilization (90kg N/hm~2), along ridge and straw mulch. 缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑,T1鐨勫勾鍧囦骇娴侀噺涓,