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发布时间:2018-10-12 12:35
[Abstract]:The amount of microorganism in paddy soil was studied by comparing the application of microbial bacteria with that of non-microorganism in Shuangcheng area of Harbin, and the combination of only one microorganism and two microbiological agents. Effects of enzyme activity, biomass and available nutrients. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) double microfertilizer and soil phosphorus activator can increase the number of soil bacteria, and the synergistic effect between the two fertilizers can make the number of soil bacteria reach the maximum in A3P2 treatment. Double microelement fertilizer reduced the number of soil fungi, while soil phosphorus activator increased the number of soil fungi, and the maximum number of soil fungi appeared in P2 treatment. The effect of double microelement fertilizer on increasing soil actinomycetes was significant, and soil phosphorus activator could also increase the number of actinomycetes. The combination of two microbial agents could promote the increase of soil actinomycetes, and the soil actinomycetes increased most under A3P2 treatment. (2) after applying microbial fertilizer, the soil urease activity reached the highest in A3 treatment. Soil phosphorus activator also enhanced soil urease activity, but the effect was not significant. The soil sucrose enzyme activity was enhanced by two kinds of microbial bacteria agents. The optimum fertilization treatments were A1 and P1, respectively, and the soil phosphorus activator had a great effect on the sucrase activity. The optimum fertilization rate was A3P2 treatment, and the three fertilization methods had little effect on soil acid phosphatase activity at the peak tillering stage, early heading stage and late heading stage, but at the mature stage. There was a positive correlation between the amount of fertilizer and the activity of acid phosphatase in soil. Soil phosphorus activator had the greatest effect on it. (3) both microorganism bacteria agents could increase the biomass of C, and the effect of double microelement fertilizer was the most significant in maturing stage, and reached the maximum value in A3 treatment. The biomass C of soil phosphorus activator increased more at the end of heading and ripening, and reached the maximum in P2 treatment, and the effect of double microelement fertilizer was more obvious than that of phosphorus activator. The maximum biomass C appeared in A3P1 treatment. Both microbial agents could increase biomass N, and the optimum fertilization treatments were A3 and P2respectively. Compared with double microelement fertilizer, the effect of soil phosphorus activator is obvious. The synergistic effect of the two microbial agents on the increase of biomass N was significant, and the biomass N increased most under A3P2 treatment. (4) double microelement fertilizer could increase the content of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen in soil. Soil alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen content appeared in A3 treatment at the early heading stage, and reached the maximum in A2 treatment in the other three periods. After application of soil phosphorus activator, soil alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen content increased most in tillering peak stage and early heading stage under P1 treatment, and increased under P1P 2 treatment at late heading stage and ripening stage. In addition to the late heading stage, the soil available phosphorus content was the highest in A1 treatment, and the optimum fertilization amount at the late heading stage was A2. The optimum application amount of soil phosphorus activator was P1 treatment. Combined application of two microbial bacteria agents could increase the content of available phosphorus in soil to a greater extent, and the application of double microelement fertilizer could significantly increase the content of available potassium in soil, and the optimum fertilization rate was A1 treatment. Soil phosphorus activator can not increase soil available potassium content. The content of available potassium in soil treated with two kinds of fertilizers combined with two kinds of fertilizer was lower than that with single application of double micro-fertilizer.


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