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发布时间:2018-10-16 14:25
[Abstract]:Local root water stress can regulate crop yield and quality and improve water use efficiency. The realization of water saving effect needs spatial distribution difference of soil water in horizontal or vertical. Soil moisture is an important factor affecting crop evapotranspiration, and its spatial distribution will also affect crop evapotranspiration estimation. In this study, spring wheat in Shiyang River Basin was used to control the upper and lower limits of irrigation and the depth of wet layer in different growth stages to realize vertical regulation of soil moisture in root zone, and its effect was discussed. Based on RZWQM model, the upper limit of irrigation and the depth of wet layer in different growth periods were optimized to maximize the benefit of water saving. The effect of spatial distribution of soil moisture on crop evapotranspiration estimation caused by the difference of irrigation amount in spring maize in Shiyang River Basin was studied. The main achievements of this paper are as follows: (1) the soil moisture distribution and crop root distribution can be regulated by controlling the depth of the wet layer in different growth stages, and the vertical control measures are mainly in the 0~60cm soil layer. The soil moisture content and root length density of 40~60cm soil were the most significantly affected. There was little difference in yield among different irrigation treatments, but there was great difference in the amount of irrigation needed and there was water saving space. (2) RZWQM model could accurately simulate the soil moisture movement and crop growth process of spring wheat in Shiyang River Basin. It can be used to optimize irrigation system. The effects of upper limit of irrigation and depth of wet layer in different growth stages on grain yield, irrigation amount, irrigation water utilization efficiency and irrigation times of spring wheat were simulated by using the model. The results showed that the effect of irrigation upper limit on irrigation quantity was much greater than on yield, and the decrease of irrigation upper limit would increase irrigation times and increase wheat yield. The aim of saving water and increasing yield can be achieved by regulating irrigation upper limit and the depth of wet layer in each growth stage. It is suggested that the irrigation schedule of spring wheat in this area should be as follows: the upper limit of irrigation water should be chosen as 80% field water holding capacity. The planned wet layer depth of seedling stage to jointing stage is 30 cm, that of jointing stage to heading stage is 60 cm, that of heading stage to filling stage is 50 cm, and that of planned wet layer is 70 cm at filling stage and mature stage. (3) under different irrigation treatments, the depth of wet layer is 70 cm. The estimation accuracy of crop evapotranspiration is quite different. With the increase of irrigation amount, the estimation accuracy of crop evapotranspiration was decreased, and the estimation error of crop evapotranspiration under high irrigation treatment was -14.13%. The water content of the upper layer of the root zone is closely related to the soil water stress. The average water content of the soil layer and above is replaced by the average value of the water content of the whole root zone for the calculation of soil water stress coefficient. The calculation accuracy of crop evapotranspiration under high irrigation treatment can be improved effectively, and the estimation error can be reduced to -9.97, and the crop evapotranspiration under low irrigation treatment can be estimated more accurately.


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