[Abstract]:In order to collect and diagnose agricultural pests and diseases images conveniently, a distributed mobile agricultural disease and pest image acquisition and diagnosis system was designed. The system is composed of a plurality of portable image acquisition terminals and an image processing server, wherein, the image acquisition terminal comprises an embedded camera, a scalable handheld lever and a mobile phone loaded with App. Image processing server includes agricultural pest diagnosis, information recording and feedback module. The handheld rod can send the embedded camera installed in the front end to the area of diseases and insect pests that are difficult to reach by hand or vision. The mobile phone can preview the picture of the front-end camera in real time and realize the function of controlling the camera to complete the image collection of agricultural diseases and insect pests. The system realizes the data interaction between multiple collection terminals and the image processing server through HTTP protocol, and carries out distributed computation in cooperation, which can reduce the network mobile charges and the load of the server. The results of image acquisition and diagnosis test of rice sheath blight show that the system can collect rice sheath blight image conveniently, the video preview screen of mobile phone has low delay, and the command of camera control is correct. The communication between the image acquisition terminal and the server is stable. The server can process and diagnose the rice sheath blight in real time. The diagnostic accuracy of rice sheath blight based on the image is 83.5%. If different image processing and diagnosis algorithms of agricultural diseases and pests are loaded on the server side, the system can be widely used in the collection and diagnosis of various agricultural pests and diseases images.
【作者单位】: 浙江理工大学信息学院;中国水稻研究所;
【基金】:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2013AA102402) 浙江理工大学521人才培养计划
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