[Abstract]:Poverty, as a global problem puzzling the development of all countries in the world, is one of the most severe challenges facing all countries in the world today, and it is also the common goal and task facing all countries in the world today. Focusing on solving the deep-level contradictions and problems in the development of poverty alleviation in China, the important strategic idea of poverty alleviation and development with precision poverty reduction as the core has been formed in China, which is an important theoretical innovation of poverty alleviation and development in China. Poverty alleviation is directly related to the well-being of tens of millions of people and whether the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way by 2020 can be realized. Most areas of our country, especially the ecological fragile areas, are facing the problem of poverty, but also the serious ecological problems. Therefore, our country carries out ecological compensation to these fragile ecological regions in order to achieve the goal of ecological environment improvement. Shiyang River is one of the most densely populated watersheds, the highest exploitation and utilization of water resources, the most prominent contradiction of water use, and the most serious ecological environment problem in Shiyang River area, which holds the portal of Hexi Corridor. The problem of peasant household poverty in Shiyang River basin caused by environmental deterioration is prominent, and ecological compensation plays an important role in alleviating poverty by its economic means. The study of ecological compensation in Shiyang River area plays an important role in ensuring the sustainable development of Shiyang River basin, promoting the transformation of farmers and guiding the practice in theory. This paper summarizes the research progress of ecological compensation and poverty alleviation in Shiyang River area, analyzes the relationship between environment and poverty in Shiyang River area, and quantifies the impact of ecological compensation practice on the breadth, depth and intensity of peasant household poverty. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the contribution of Gini coefficient of cash compensation to Gini coefficient of total income is 2.10%. The marginal effect of cash compensation on total income is -0.07, and the proportion of cash compensation income to total income is 9.19%, and the marginal effect of cash compensation on total income is -0.07%. The increase of cash compensation makes farmers' income more balanced to a certain extent. (2) by participating in ecological compensation projects, farmers get cash compensation, the incidence of poverty decreases by 0.09, and the intensity of poverty decreases by 0.34. The depth of poverty decreased by 0.18. (3) through statistical software analysis, among the subjective factors affecting the effect of technology poverty reduction, the degree of understanding of technology and the influence of technology on income showed strong significance; Among the personality factors influencing the effect of technology poverty reduction, two factors, age and education level, showed strong significance. Finally, according to the conclusion, the paper puts forward to perfect the ecological compensation mechanism of Shiyang River area, make rational use of many kinds of ecological compensation methods, formulate reasonable ecological compensation laws and regulations of Shiyang River basin, and adjust the industrial structure rationally. Ecological workers and other green positions set up policy recommendations.
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