[Abstract]:Datong District is one of the important grain production bases in Daqing City, in which the total area of cultivated land amounts to 693.5 km2, accounting for 33.4% of the total area of the whole city. Corn is the main crop that drives the development of the local economy. In recent years, because of the unreasonable fertilization of farmers, the soil acidity and alkalinity in Datong area have been increasing, and the soil pH and alkalinity have a great influence on the availability of soil nutrients, which makes the soil fertility decline gradually, and crops develop slowly. A series of problems, such as declining grain quality and decreasing grain crop output. According to the present situation of soil acidity and alkalinity in Datong District of Datong City, this paper studies the abundance and deficiency of soil nutrients by analyzing the descriptive analysis of soil acidity and alkalinity in Datong District of Daqing City, and analyzes the correlation and correlation between them. The aim is to provide scientific basis for rational fertilization of local farmers. In this study, farmland soil in four villages and towns in Datong District of Daqing City was used as the research object. Through field investigation, sampling and indoor analysis, the soil pH and soil nutrient status were analyzed in a descriptive way. According to the research results of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper selects the method of multiple comparative analysis and grey relational analysis to study the relationship between soil pH value and organic matter, available nitrogen, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, total phosphorus, available potassium, available manganese, available copper, total phosphorus, available potassium, available manganese, available copper, total phosphorus, available potassium, available manganese and copper. The relationship between available iron and available zinc was studied. The results showed that the soil pH value of the four villages and towns in Datong area was strong alkaline and the soil nutrient content was not balanced. Organic matter, available phosphorus and available potassium were at the most suitable level. The contents of available nitrogen and total nitrogen were excessive, but the total phosphorus content was relatively low, and the content of trace elements was moderate. The results of grey correlation analysis showed that the order of correlation with soil pH value was available nitrogen, total nitrogen, available organic matter, available iron, available copper, manganese, available phosphorus, total phosphorus and zinc. In order to promote the better growth of crops, measures should be taken to improve soil pH and fertilize rationally.
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